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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki
This article is about the Comic Series character. You may be looking for his TV Series counterpart. For other pages with the same name, see: Alex

The ever-wily Paul Monroe... you'll never get one over on him.
―Alex to Paul.[src]

Alex is a survivor of the outbreak in Image Comics' The Walking Dead. He is a resident and a nurse of the Hilltop Colony.


Alex is a friendly and snarky man. As a nurse, Alex takes care of those in need of treatment and is very skilled in what he does. He can often be very humorous, cracking many jokes with his patients, especially his ex-lover Paul Monroe.


Location Unknown[]

Nothing is known about Alex's life prior to or as the outbreak began. It is possible he was a nurse (as he is at the Hilltop) or had some other form of experience in the medical field.


Hilltop Colony[]

Not much is known of Alex's life in Hilltop. During his time in Hilltop, he became a nurse and works alongside Dr. Carson.

All Out War - Part Two[]

Alex is first seen, where he comes knocking on Paul Monroe's door, saying that he's been away so long that he feels that he hasn't talked to him in forever. Alex asks Paul to read to him, so he can hear his voice, but Paul knows that he just wants to snuggle up next to him in bed.

A New Beginning[]

After the two year timeskip, Alex is seen sitting down with another man at the feast, reading the letter addressed to him from Paul Monroe, and as he is reading it his friend tells Alex that he knew Paul did care about him.

Whispers Into Screams[]

Later, he meets with Paul as he is checking up on Darius. They talk about Paul's letter and someone called Wes, until Alex kisses him. Later, when Paul Monroe and Maggie are interrogating Lydia, he steps in, warning the two that the two bullies are awake.

Life And Death[]

He attends Gregory's execution alongside other Hilltop residents.

The Whisperer War[]

Alex is seen taking care of Aaron from is knife wound. When he sees Aaron and Paul together he says that they would make a great couple.

Rest In Peace[]

Alex is not seen or mentioned in the 23 year time-skip, leaving his fate unknown.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims Alex has killed:

  • Possibly numerous counts of zombies


For a more in-depth look at Alex's relationships, read here: Alex (Comic Series)/Relationships




Issues 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Book One
Book Two
Book Three
Book Four
Book Five
Book Six
Book Seven
Book Eight
Book Nine
Book Ten
Book Eleven 👁
Book Twelve 👁 👁 👁
Book Thirteen
Book Fourteen
Book Fifteen
Book Sixteen
Appears Voice is heard
👁 Appears with no lines Appears in a flashback
Appears as a walker 🖼 Appears in a photograph/video
Appears as a corpse Appears in a hallucination/dream


For more images of Alex, please visit Alex (Comic Series)/Gallery.


  • It's possible the receptionist from Issue 193 might be Alex, due to the two sharing a similar appearance.