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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki
This article is about the Small Bites character. You may be looking for his Comic Series or TV Series counterpart. For other pages with the same name, see: Alexander

I've never felt more alive! Since leaving Alexandria (of my own accord, obviously) I haven't had a single person try to tell me what to do! Never had to explain myself! Never had to hear anybody say 'no, you can't just do whatever you want!' Come with me and I'll show you a better life!
―Davidson to the Pirate Club.[src]

Alexander Davidson is an antagonist and a survivor of the outbreak in The Walking Dead: Small Bites. He was the original leader of the Alexandria Safe-Zone before he was exiled by Douglas Monroe. He served as the primary antagonist of A Larger World.


Location Unknown[]

Nothing is known about Alexander's life prior to or as the outbreak began.


Too Far Gone[]

"Issue 6"[]

Alexander will appear in this issue.

"Issue 8"[]

Alexander will appear in this issue.

A Larger World[]

"Issue 23"[]

Alexander will appear in this issue.

"Issue 24"[]

Alexander will appear in this issue.

"Issue 25"[]

Alexander will appear in this issue.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims Alexander has killed:


Issues 1 2 3 4 5 6
Life Among Them
Too Far Gone
No Way Out 👁
We Find Ourselves
A Larger World 👁
Something To Fear
Appears Voice is heard
👁 Appears with no lines Appears in a flashback
Appears as a walker 🖼 Appears in a photograph/video
Appears as a corpse Appears in a hallucination/dream



  • Unlike his comic counterpart, Alexander is shown to still be alive after the events depicted in the series.
  • In Issue 25, Davidson demonstrates signs of pedophilia, such as caressing Steven's leg and sucking on his finger after the latter stated he didn't wash his hands after taking a shit.
  • Davidson is the first known person to eat walkers.
