This Alexandria resident is a survivor of the outbreak in AMC's The Walking Dead. He is a resident of the Alexandria Safe Zone.
Location Unknown[]
Nothing is known about this man's life prior to or as the outbreak began.
At some point in the apocalypse, this man joined a community called the Alexandria Safe Zone.
Season 7[]
"Rock in the Road"[]
This resident is on guard duty at the front gate when the Saviors arrive in search of Daryl. He witnesses Simon and his men invade Alexandria and search the houses.
"The First Day of the Rest of Your Life"[]
This man is among the Alexandrians armed and ready to battle the Saviors alongside the Scavengers. When Jadis and her people turn their guns onto the Alexandrians, he surrenders and is held hostage among the other residents. He is liberated when reinforcements from Hilltop and the Kingdom arrive to the rescue. After the battle is over, he is then present for Rick, Maggie and Ezekiel's speech to the communities, all united and ready for war.
Season 8[]
This resident is present and listens to the speeches given by Ezekiel, Maggie, and Rick before their first attack. He travels with Rick and everyone to the Sanctuary to attack Negan and the Saviors. He is later seen with Rick and other members of Alexandria after the assault, regrouping.
"The Damned"[]
This man is among the group of Alexandrians to ambush a Savior outpost from their vehicles. As they continuously fire at the Saviors, they manage to kill off several Saviors in an effort to have them reanimate and overrun their comrades.
At the conclusion of the ambush on the Savior outpost, this man is among the wounded Alexandrians loaded into a pick-up truck and driven back to Alexandria.
"How It's Gotta Be"[]
While unseen, this resident is among the Alexandrians to evacuate into the sewers in time before the Saviors attack the community with grenades.
This man remains in the sewers with the other residents as the Saviors' grenades continue to blow apart Alexandria above them. After the explosions subside and the remaining Saviors leave, he and the others prepare to head to the Hilltop for refuge
"Dead or Alive Or"[]
This man and the other Alexandrians travel through the woods towards the Hilltop. When they come upon a swamp, he and the rest of the group rest in the woods while Daryl, Scott, Rosita, and Siddiq clear the swamp of walkers. Afterwards, he and the Alexandrians arrive at the Hilltop and are welcomed into the community with open arms.
"Do Not Send Us Astray"[]
While unseen, this man is among the survivors to take refuge in the Barrington House during the Saviors' attack on the Hilltop. Having survived the assault, he sleeps with the other residents until victims of the tainted weapon attack reanimate and attack everyone. However, he is among the survivors to flee the house unharmed.
This man accompanies Rick and the rest of the militia to fight the Saviors in the final battle. After most of the Saviors are wiped out due to Eugene's faulty bullets, he and the others fight the surviving Saviors until they surrender. He then watches on as Negan is defeated and captured while Rick addresses the crowd, declaring peace among all communities. Afterwards, this man returns to Alexandria to re-establish the previously destroyed community.
Season 11[]
"Outpost 22"[]
This Alexandrian awakens on a bus of other kidnapped immigrants and listens to the Warden as he addresses everyone and what will happen to them. He then spends the day at the work site clearing rubble. At lunch, he eats porridge. Later he and two Commonwealth residents try to escape the worksite however they are shot instead, later he turns and is put down.
- Killed By
- Commonwealth Army (Alive)
- Unnamed Commonwealth Soldier (Alive and Zombified)
This man is shot to death by Commonwealth Soldiers as he tries to escape the worksite, later he is put down by a Commonwealth Soldier.
Killed Victims[]
This list shows the victims this man has killed:
TV Series[]
Season 7[]
- "Rock in the Road" (No Lines)
- "The First Day of the Rest of Your Life" (No Lines)
Season 8[]
- "Mercy" (No Lines)
- "The Damned" (No Lines)
- "Monsters" (No Lines)
- "Honor" (No Lines)
- "Dead or Alive Or" (No Lines)
- "Wrath" (No Lines)
Season 11[]
- "Outpost 22" (No Lines)
For more images of this Alexandria resident, please visit Background Survivors (TV Series)/Alexandria Safe Zone.