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This Alexandria resident is a survivor of the outbreak in AMC's The Walking Dead. He is a resident of the Alexandria Safe Zone.
Location Unknown[]
Nothing is known about this man's life prior to or as the outbreak began.
Season 10[]
This guard and Alfred are inside a house helping each other put on their armor before heading out on watch duty. They joke and make comments about Lydia and the Whisperers. Moments later, the guard and Alfred are brutally murdered by Beta and left to reanimate. Beta also takes this guard's armor for himself. He and Alfred soon turn and wander around Alexandria attacking others before finally being put down by a watch patrol led by Rosita and Laura.
- Killed By
- Beta (Alive)
This man is killed and left to reanimate by Beta when he infiltrates Alexandria to be used as a distraction while he searches for Gamma in the community.
- The Coalition (Zombified)
As this reanimated man and other undead residents wander around the streets, they are put down by members of the Coalition before they can attack anyone.
Killed Victims[]
This list shows all the victims this Alexandria resident has killed.
- Possibly numerous counts of zombies
TV Series[]
Season 10[]
- "Stalker"
- This character is credited as Guard in "Stalker".
- Nick DeKay has worked on the show as a stuntman for many seasons.