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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki
This article is about the Novel Series character. For other pages with the same name, see: Alicia

Alicia... close the window. Alicia, close the...
―Josh Lee Hamilton's final words.[src]

Alicia Hamilton is a character mentioned in The Walking Dead: The Road to Woodbury. She is the older sister of Joshua Hamilton.


Greenville, South Carolina[]

Alicia was the daughter of a single mother, Raylene Hamilton, and grew up with four siblings, including Joshua. She grew up shuffled from one ramshackle housing project to another with her family, and because of the kind-hearted nature of her mother, every day, she and her siblings would return home to find their house full of strangers & stray dogs she had taken off the street to feed and make tea.

After becoming an adult, she would have drifted away to bad marriages or dead-end jobs out of state (according to her younger brother, Joshua).


It is unknown what happened to Alicia after the outbreak began. She was most likely killed by walkers or another entity. After Joshua is shot by Sam, he mumbles about Alicia. His last words being, "Alicia... close the window. Alicia, close the..."
