This article is about the All-Stars character. You may be looking for her Comic Universe or TV Series counterpart. For other pages with the same name, see: Andrea |
Andrea Grimes (née unknown) is a survivor of the outbreak in The Walking Dead: All-Stars.
Location Unknown[]
Nothing is known about Andrea's life prior to or as the outbreak began.
Andrea's Story - Regret[]
While Glenn, Rick, and Dale are on a run to a gun shop that Hershel told them about, she starts sniping all of the surrounding zombies. As she's sniping zombies, she sees one that reminds her of Amy. She eventually kills the zombie and leaves back to her camp.
Dale's Story - A Startling Realization[]
Dale is alone as Andrea, Glenn, and Maggie have taken Sophia, Ben, and Billy to go fishing.
Kate & Andrea's Story[]
Kate and Andrea are on a water tower overlooking a supply run at a nearby warehouse. As the truck is leaving the warehouse, it gets stuck. Several Alexandrian's who went on the run try to get the truck unstuck but they are quickly overhwelmed and bit. Andrea and Kate kill every zombie and bit Alexandrian on sight. Eventually, the truck is able to move, but not before several people died, much to both Kate and Andrea's dissatisfaction.
Killed Victims[]
This list shows the victims Andrea has killed:
- Amy (Before Reanimation)
- Dale (Before Reanimation)
- Ezekiel (Zombified)
- Rosita Porter (Zombified)
- Many unnamed Alexandrians (Alongside Kate)
- Numerous counts of zombies and unnamed people
- Andrea has a second skin called "Black Rose".
- She is the first character to have recieved an alternative skin, with it coming during the game launch.
- Although unconfirmed, it's implied that this iteration of Andrea is alive during the current timeline of the game.
- However by Protector Carl's Story, which takes place after The Trials, it is implied that she may have died, but the cause of her death remains unknown.
- Given the events that occured in the game compared to the events that occured in the comic series, it's unlikely she died in the same way that her comic counterpart did.