Walking Dead Wiki

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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

Annabelle... she was almost sixteen. She was... right there with us, running alongside us. Then the next minute... she wasn't. We had to keep running. We were so scared... they already had her.
Annabelle's father about Annabelle.[src]

Annabelle is a survivor of the outbreak mentioned in Image Comics' The Walking Dead. She is the daughter of two survivors met by Negan.



Nothing is known about Annabelle's life prior to or as the outbreak began, other than she lived with her mother and father.


Sometime after the outbreak, Annabelle and her family were attacked by zombies. While her mother and father managed to get away, Annabelle was devoured.


Killed By

Annabelle was devoured by walkers while trying to escape.


Comic Series[]

Here's Negan[]
