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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki
This article is about the Comic Series character. For other pages with the same name, see: Anthony

The man, Anthony Keith, I'm careful not to say victim, attacked one of them after getting into a shouting match. There's a romantic entanglement behind this. Anthony's wife was having an affair with one of the officers
Lance to Michonne about why Anthony was beaten.[src]

Anthony Keith is a survivor of the outbreak in Image Comics' The Walking Dead. He is a resident of the Commonwealth.


Location Unknown[]

Nothing is known about Anthony's life prior to or as the outbreak began, except that he has a wife.


The Rotten Core[]

When Michonne and Elodie arrive back in the Commonwealth proper, they encounter people running in the street. When Michonne inquires, she is informed that an officer has been attacked. She rushes to the scene, only to find the perpetrator, Anthony, being beaten to a pulp by Jerome and the other officers and she rushes to his aid.

When Lance Hornsby visits Michonne, she asks him about Anthony. He informs her that he's clinging onto life and that the beating left him with swelling on his brain.

Later, Michonne and Elodie are having dinner and discuss the incident, as Lance approaches them to inform that Anthony has succumbed to his injuries.


Killed By
  • Himself (Indirectly Caused)
  • Jerome
  • Unnamed Commonwealth officers

After attacking one of the officers for having an affair with his wife, he is beaten to a pulp by Jerome and the other officers.

Later, he succumbs to his injuries and dies from brain damage.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims Anthony has killed:

  • Himself (Indirectly Caused)
  • Possibly numerous counts of zombies





Volume 31: The Rotten Core[]


  • Anthony is the first resident of the Commonwealth to die since the community was introduced.
    • He is also the first known person to be killed by the Commonwealth.
    • He is one of only two named Commonwealth residents to be deceased, the other being Stephanie. Of the two, Anthony is both the only resident to die before the 25-year time skip, and the only resident to die on-screen.
  • In the TV Series, Anthony Keith's name was mentioned in an article in the Commonwealth Tribune as having been recently deceased.