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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

Ariana is a survivor of the outbreak who appears in The Walking Dead: All-Stars.


Location Unknown[]

Nothing is known about Ariana's life prior to or as the outbreak began.


Ariana's Story - Phantom[]

Ariana is dreaming of the first man she ever killed. The man, who was shot through the eye, taunts her and calls her a murderer. Ariana wakes up goes to the bathroom, trying to forget her dream; however, she still sees the man taunting her in the mirror's reflection. Ariana tries to justify her actions to the man by saying that his group had attacked them first and that he's just bitter that they lost. The man continues to taunt about all the other people she's killed, something that clearly has an effect on Ariana, despite her denying it. Suddenly, Ariana wakes up from her dream. Shaken up about having had the recurring dream within a dream, she goes outside with hey bayonet, which she took from another survivor she killed, and buried it in order to move on from her past. Afterwards, she goes back to sleep.

Chapter 60 - Retirement Plan[]

Crane, Boyd, Ariana, Hudson, Steve, R, and Catherine are all working on clearing the streets as part of the city reclamation plan. Crane, Boyd, and Ariana discuss how the other four group members are so much bigger than them and thus are able to carry their wait more than the three of them. Crane rudely comments on how Hudson is always drawing comic books; however both Boyd and Ariana counter with what he's doing is admirable as art of any for is an important for of communication.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims Ariana has killed:


  • Oddly enough, during her character's announcement on both Discord and Twitter/X, it states that she will be released on both the August 14 and August 18, 2024 updates.
    • The correct date of August 14, 2024 is shown on The Walking Dead: All-Stars Official Forum.
    • Ariana's character announcement portrayed her as being Asian-American; however, when she was released in the game, she appeared as Latin-American.
  • Starting with Ariana, the Mysterious Survivor Field is no longer in use to introduce new characters, instead it being replaced with the Character Trial Event.
  • Ariana is the first named character to be a part of the Construction Site Community.
    • Despite this, they started off as a member of The Raiders.
  • Ariana is one of two named reformed raiders to not have joined Asyl; However, Ariana did join the Construction Site Community which is part of the Western New York Alliance.
    • The other character with this distinction is Rajesh, who was invited by Sarah to join the community, who declined but did say that it is something he would consider.