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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

A balisong is a type of small knife whose handle doubles as a blade cover.


The handle is made in two halves that rotate independently to cover the blade. This type of knife originates from the Philippines and is quite popular in the Southeast Asia, both as a handy day-to-day tool and as a weapon, but owing to its compact size, concealable nature and ability to speed-deploy, it is legally restricted in many countries. Blunt versions are often sold for training purposes.

A balisong can be swiftly deployed by flipping out the blade when held by a trained user. This technique is also displayed on-screen by Alicia in "Do Not Disturb".


A balisong originally belonged to Jack Kipling and was first seen when he cut Alicia Clark loose in "Blood in the Streets." She subsequently stole it from his back pocket while he was distracted teaching her the radar in "Captive" and it became her melee weapon of choice for seasons 2 and 3. Alicia first used it to fight off zombies in "Sicut Cervus". In "North," Alicia used it to kill a person for the first time when she stabbed Andrés Diaz with it to save Travis Manawa's life. In "North" Madison Clark also temporarily used the balisong to prevent Derek and Alejandro Nuñez from being reanimated, and also to kill the zombified Brandon Luke. In "Eye of the Beholder", Luciana Galvez temporarily uses the knife to rescue Nicholas Clark by killing a zombie Steven. In "This Land Is Your Land" , Alicia uses a knife to prevent the bitten people from being reanimated in the bunker, and later kills the zombified residents with a balisong.

The last time we saw the balisong in the present was in "Things Bad Begun", where Alicia defended herself from the bandits who attacked her and Diana.

The status of Alicia's balisong is currently unknown. In season 4, Alicia replaced it with a barrel shroud she got at Whirlin' Wavez in "Buried" and sharpened under unknown circumstances.

Killed Victims[]

The following is a list of victims killed with the balisong:
