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This article is about the TV Series character. For other pages with the same name, see: Beth

You keep telling yourself you have to do whatever it takes just until this is all over, but it isn't over, this is it. This is who you are and what this place is until the end.
―Beth to Dawn Lerner about the hospital.[src]

Beth Greene is a main character and a survivor of the outbreak in AMC's The Walking Dead. She is the daughter of Hershel and Annette Greene and the half-sister of Maggie and Shawn. She was in a relationship with Jimmy, another survivor of the apocalypse. After his death, she later began a relationship with Zach, who also died.

Later on, Beth formed a brief bond with Daryl Dixon until she was abducted by police officers enlisted in service under Dawn Lerner and forced to stay at Grady Memorial Hospital in Atlanta.

Quick Answers

What circumstances led to Beth Greene's death in The Walking Dead? toggle section
In The Walking Dead, Beth Greene dies during a tense negotiation between two factions. She is inadvertently shot in the head by Dawn, marking her death as the second mid-season finale demise in the Greene family, preceded by her father, Hershel. Notably, Beth does not reanimate post-mortem, a departure from other Greene family members.
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Who were Beth Greene's romantic interests in The Walking Dead? toggle section
In The Walking Dead, Beth Greene had romantic interests in two characters, Jimmy and Zach, both of whom were fellow apocalypse survivors. Following Jimmy's demise, she entered a relationship with Zach, who also met a tragic end. Beth also developed a short-lived bond with Daryl Dixon.
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How did Beth Greene's relationships impact her survival in The Walking Dead? toggle section
In The Walking Dead, Beth Greene's survival was shaped by her relationships. Her father Hershel and half-sister Maggie offered emotional support. Her interactions with Jimmy and Zach, who both died, instilled resilience. Daryl Dixon, with whom she shared a brief bond, taught her survival skills. However, her abduction by Dawn Lerner's police officers, leading to her confinement at Grady Memorial Hospital in Atlanta, culminated in her death.
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Who abducted Beth Greene in The Walking Dead and why? toggle section
Beth Greene, a character from The Walking Dead, was kidnapped by law enforcement officers under the command of Dawn Lerner. They transported her to Grady Memorial Hospital in Atlanta where she was compelled to work.
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How old was Beth Greene when she died in The Walking Dead? toggle section
In The Walking Dead, Beth Greene was 18 years old when she met her demise.
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Beth is a shy, soft-spoken, and caring sixteen-year old girl who lived a normal life with her family. She lived on her father's farm and attended the local high school. She went to church regularly and strongly believes in her faith. As a result of her father's heavy drinking, she never drank alcohol. Her first appearance was in Season 2 and as the season developed, so did she. As the apocalypse started, Beth had been sheltered from the chaos surrounding her. At first, Beth is rather timid, pessimistic, and keeps her emotions to herself, but after being forced to see her mother's death and horrific reanimation, Beth finally breaks down and a different part of her is shown. She tells her sister, Maggie, that she wants to commit suicide. However, after an attempt at slitting her wrist, she has a change of heart and decides to live. With the support from her father and sister, Beth regains her will to live and since then, becomes even more assertive and stronger-willed, even after the death of her boyfriend and Patricia.

By the time the group arrives at the West Georgia Correctional Facility, where they will remain for nearly seven months, Beth has grown more self-assured and goes on to become a more important and vocal member of the group. Beth is a source of optimism and hope for the group, often singing to help boost morale. She is much more hopeful and optimistic and sees the positive side rather than the negative side in a hopeless situation. After the death of Lori Grimes, Beth helps the rest of the group with taking care of Lori's newborn baby Judith.

After the Woodbury conflict, Beth is emotionally stronger, trying many different ways to deal with the loss of hope that grows everyday, realizing that things may someday take a turn for the worse. After dating Zach, she becomes emotionally distant, preparing herself so that when someone she loves dies, she won't shut down emotionally like she would have in the past. After Zach's death, she spends her time dealing with the new crisis surrounding the prison. Beth keeps hope alive, while struggling with herself not to break down emotionally. After her father's death, Beth is distraught but grows stronger and finds new strength in herself. Beth becomes more independent and more skillful at killing walkers. After she escapes from the prison assault with Daryl Dixon, the two become very close, and Beth's faith becomes stronger. She believes there is still hope and good people somewhere, even in this cruel world. She also thinks that since walkers used to be human, they shouldn't be treated cruelly or be made fun of, but instead, respectfully put out of their misery to preserve their humanity.

When she is taken to Grady Memorial Hospital, she becomes even more independent, being forced to help care for patients at the hospital whilst planning an escape with Noah.


Greene Family Farm, Georgia[]

Beth Greene was born to Hershel and Annette Greene in 1994 on the Greene Family Farm in rural Georgia. Beth was born the youngest to two half-siblings, her older brother Shawn, who belonged to her mother, and Maggie, the eldest, who belonged to Hershel and his late-wife, Josephine.

As Beth grew older, Maggie initially resented her and her side of the family, but through her father and beliefs came to love Beth, Annette, and Shawn. Beth also became close with family friend and farmhand, Otis, and his wife, Patricia. Hershel still had his habit of drinking alcohol, but strictly forbade her ever to drink. Hershel also raised her to do good things in life, and to believe in God and faith. Hershel always protected Beth from the harsh reality from the outside world and not to follow the bad things he had done in his past life, such as going to jail and drinking alcohol. Her family raised her to have good manners and behavior, and were usually overprotective of her.

Unlike Maggie, Beth was oblivious to the outside world. She perceived things in a different perspective, and as a result she believed that there's goodness and hope in everything, even in the most desperate situations. As evident, when Beth was twelve and Maggie had returned for her first summer from college, she found birth control pills in Maggie's bag. In horror, she threw them in the lake and was caught by Maggie who was horseback riding. The two began to argue, later involved by Shawn, and the commotion caused Maggie's horse to cover all of them in mud, making them laugh and resolve their issues. When Hershel asked what had happened, Beth lied for Maggie.

As a young child, she had a passion for singing and playing the piano and guitar. She attended high school, along with Jimmy, and began a casual relationship with him roughly three months before the outbreak. Jimmy was often protective of Beth.


Greene Family Farm, Georgia[]

As the outbreak went global, Beth's mother and Shawn were bitten by walkers. The two later died from the infection. Hershel had Otis take them to the barn where they reanimated. Due to what they saw on the news, Hershel believed the walkers were still alive and are simply sick people and that while dangerous, needed to be cared for as he believed the pandemic would end and a cure would save them. Their ignorance was a mixture of grief and being mostly spared by the apocalypse on their isolated farm.

Hershel barricaded his remaining family, Jimmy, Otis, and Patricia within the farm. Beth was devastated by her mother and brother's deaths, and her typically positive outlook on the world slowly started changing to a more grim and hopeless one. Over time, Otis began to bring more walkers to the barn, in which Beth and the others were in charge of helping put them in and feeding them with live chickens. Among those in the barn were their cousin, Arnold Greene, their neighbors the Fischers, and friends Lacey and Duncan.

TV Series[]

Season 2[]


Beth is first seen coming out of the farmhouse with her family and boyfriend Jimmy when they see a man approaching it, carrying a lifeless body. When Rick Grimes explains his son Carl has been shot by Otis, Beth holds Jimmy's hand and approaches him. Hershel leads Rick inside the house to treat Carl and Beth helps by gathering some towels for the boy and putting them on the bed. Afterwards she can be seen with Jimmy while Otis goes to his wife.

"Save the Last One"

A photo of Beth is present on the refrigerator as Maggie tells Glenn who she has lost in her family.

"Cherokee Rose"

Beth is first seen gathering some rocks for Otis' funeral. She stands outside with everyone else when both groups greet each other. She and the others attend the funeral where everyone piles up the rocks in memory of his contributions to the group and, more specifically, Carl's survival. She stands next to her sister, Jimmy, and Patricia quietly.


Beth approaches Rick to let him know that her father wants to see him. Afterward, she helps Rick's wife Lori, Carol Peletier, and Patricia prepare for dinner. She runs outside along with everyone else when they hear Andrea shoot Daryl Dixon. Beth and everyone else eat their meal and she ends up sitting at the "kids" table with Jimmy, Maggie and Glenn Rhee. She cleans the table and does the dishes after everyone has finished eating.


Beth and Patricia approach Rick and Shane, announcing they would like to take part in gun training. Rick says he first has to ask Hershel and, with his approval, he takes Beth, Patricia, and others to the shooting range. Beth and the others slowly learn how to shoot.

"Pretty Much Dead Already"

Beth is not seen until the end of the episode, while she is watching a round of checkers between Carl and Patricia. She witnesses Shane handing out guns to his group and notices her father, Jimmy, Rick, and two walkers: Louise Bush and Doug. She runs towards the barn with the others and watches as the Survivors shoots the walkers that were kept in the barn, including her mother and half-brother. She and Jimmy hold each other and watch as all their zombified friends and family are shot.


After seeing her mother Annette and half-brother Shawn get shot, Beth becomes hysterical. She hovers over her mother's corpse, unaware that she is still undead. She turns the body over and is subsequently attacked by the zombified corpse of her mother. The group manages to pull her away before she is bit. Hershel comforts her as their family walks back to the house, with Shane throwing his accusations at them along the way. She then attends the funeral for her mother, brother, and Sophia. Later, she is seen washing dishes and suddenly collapses to the kitchen floor. Maggie, Patricia and the others then lay Beth on a bed in the guest bedroom thinking she might be in shock of what she had seen earlier that day. Rick and Glenn then travel into town and accompany Hershel and tell him about Beth.


In the farm house, Beth is still in a state of shock, not being able to react to anything. Maggie tells Andrea a story about Beth finding her birth control pills, and how she lied to their father to keep her out of trouble. After Hershel returned from Hatlin's Bar, he gave Beth a sedative to keep her body from working too much. Maggie angrily told Hershel that she didn't know what to do with Beth when he was gone.

"18 Miles Out"

Beth is the center of a dispute between Lori, Maggie, and Andrea. After she woke up from her coma, she was given a plate of food by Lori. After a while, Lori checked on Beth and found her crying. "It's just so pointless" said Beth. Lori comforts her, saying that she has to be strong as there are people that care about her. When Lori was washing up Beth's plate, she found out that the knife was missing. It is revealed that Beth wants to commit suicide, having lost hope in the world. Maggie scolds Beth for making such a cowardly decision. Beth tried to make her sister commit suicide together with her, much to Maggie's dismay. While the sisters are fighting, Andrea argues with Lori about Beth and wants Beth to have the freedom to make her own choice, while Lori and Maggie try to prevent the suicide from happening. After being given the opportunity by Andrea, Beth attempts to kill herself with a broken shard of glass from the bathroom mirror. She realizes how painful it is and ultimately decides it was a mistake. Lori and Maggie and her father help her after they find her. Beth also finds out about Lori's pregnancy in this episode, and that Maggie had sex with Glenn, something that Beth was afraid for Maggie when she was younger.

"Judge, Jury, Executioner"

In the farmhouse, Glenn finds Hershel checking up on Beth. Glenn asks how Beth is feeling and Hershel states that she is doing much better, Hershel then leaves Beth to have a conversation with Glenn.

"Better Angels"

Having made a full recovery, Beth attends Dale Horvath's funeral, and is later seen moving some of the Atlanta group's things into the house. She is then later seen fixing up and barricading the farmhouse for the group to move into. She is with the group when they discover that Randall is missing and retreats to the farmhouse for safety.

"Beside the Dying Fire"

Beth is waiting in the farmhouse for Rick and Shane to get back. Once they notice walkers coming toward the house, Beth, Patricia, Lori, and Carol opt to stay in the house for safety. Beth is the first to notice the barn ablaze and alerts the others about it. Lori, knowing they have to leave, flees the house with Beth and the other girls. However, while Beth is running with Patricia, a walker manages to grab the older woman. Patricia is killed by a group of walkers, whilst holding Beth's hand. Finally realizing Patricia's life is lost, Lori pulls Beth away, and they get into Otis's truck with T-Dog. Later, the survivors, with the exception of Andrea, regroup on the highway where the Atlanta survivors left supplies for Sophia. Beth told the others about Patricia's fate and she is devastated when she discovers Jimmy did not make it off the farm alive. When Rick discusses about their next plan on the highway, Beth stated her worries about walkers or a hostile group who may come and give them troubles. She was shocked to learn that the virus resides in everyone of them and that they will immediately turn into a walker after they die. That night, she camps out with the group just off the side of the highway with a prison in view behind them.

Season 3[]


Beth is first shown scavenging an abandoned house for supplies after the house has been cleared from walkers. Carl was going to share the dog food he found with Beth and the others, but Rick threw it away. Later, she is guarding the group while they figure out what to do next. When they find the prison, Beth helps clear out the prison yard by killing many of the walkers. That night, they camp right outside the prison. Beth told Lori that this place is great for having the baby because it's secured. Then Hershel asks Beth to sing "The Parting Glass". At first, she is shy about singing the song as there are lots of people, but Glenn asks "Why not?" and Beth begins to sing. Maggie assists her sister while singing once they are halfway through the song. The next day, Beth is seen helping the group kill walkers by the fence with Carl, Lori, Hershel and Carol. After Rick and the others cleared out a cell block, Rick called the others to come over. They finally enter the prison and choose a cell to sleep in for the night. It is shown that Carl may have a small crush on Beth as he is planning to share a room with Beth, but Hershel arrived and Carl left the room. Later, Beth stays behind with Carol, Lori, and Carl while the others go and search for the cafeteria.


As the group brings the wounded Hershel into the cell block, Beth immediately becomes distressed at the mere sight of her unconscious father. She is seen multiple times at Hershel's side throughout the episode. She also cut her father's pants on the right side so that he could move easier. She hoped that her father survives the amputation and yelled at Maggie for being so pessimistic. When Carl told his mother to "get off his back," Beth scolded him, saying that he should not talk that way to his own mother so Carl walks away. After that, she watches over her father and at one point begins screaming hysterically for help when he stops breathing, summoning Lori who comes in and does CPR on Hershel, successfully resuscitating him. After Hershel woke up the second time, she and Maggie hold each other while crying and finally things calmed down.

"Killer Within"

In this episode, Beth is first seen smiling at Carl as she walks with Lori to Hershel's cell. She helped her father get up from bed with his new crutches. After that, she escorted Hershel into the prison yard with the others. As the group looked at each other happily, walkers invade the prison yard. Beth immediately ran to the upper level of the prison and locked herself there with Hershel. She stayed there with Hershel for the entire episode. When Rick, Daryl, Glenn, Axel, and Oscar arrived in the prison yard, Beth and Hershel told them about the directions the others had ran. At the end of the episode, Beth and Hershel got out of the cage and the group found out that Lori had died giving birth.

"Say the Word"

Beth is first seen looking at Carl and the baby. Once Daryl, Maggie, and Glenn decided to look for supplies for the baby, Daryl asked Beth to keep an eye on Carl. Beth, along with Hershel, console a grief-stricken Carl over the death of Lori. Beth waited inside the prison for Maggie and Daryl to return from their errand while she continues to watch over Carl. When Daryl and Maggie arrived with supplies for the baby, Beth helps get the bottle ready when they get back, and then gives it to Daryl. When Carl says all the possible names for the baby girl, Beth listens in grief along with the others. Daryl then suggests the name "Little Ass-Kicker" and the group, including Beth, laughed.


Beth is mostly seen by her father's side and along with the rest of the group. When Rick appears in cafeteria for the first time since Lori's death, Beth can be seen holding the baby and sitting with the others. Beth appears when Rick returns to the group for a second time. Beth is busy heating up more formula for the baby while Rick holds her for the first time. Then, Beth, Rick, Carl, Hershel, and the baby are then seen walking out into the prison yard while Rick walks down and sees a mysterious woman holding a basket full of baby formula and ignores her.

"When the Dead Come Knocking"

Beth, Carl, Hershel, and Rick quickly carry Michonne into the prison and Rick asks Beth to get water and a towel for Michonne. Beth was also happy when Carol got up from her bed. Beth then proceed to hand Judith over to Carol. When she found out that her sister was kidnapped, Beth becomes even more assertive. When the group bickers over whether or not to rescue Glenn and Maggie, she asks why they are even considering this, Maggie is her sister. Then, when the group was planning a rescue mission to recover them, she volunteered to accompany the group. She opens the gate into the prison courtyard and Michonne asked her if the group really takes over the prison which was overrun with walkers, with just the few of them. Beth said there were others. She ultimately stayed behind at the prison with Axel, Carl, Carol, Hershel, and Judith.

"Made to Suffer"

Beth appears mostly by her father's side. In the prison cell, she is seen holding Judith as Axel tries to flirt with her before being called out and reprimanded by Carol. Later when Beth is reloading guns, she, Carl, and Hershel hear the screams of Donna, Carl goes and finds out where the screams came from. Beth and Hershel wait at the cell block for him to return and when he does, he locks up the unexpected group in the common room. Beth suggested to Carl that they should help the new group, and he replied that he did.

"The Suicide King"

Beth is seen holding Judith in the common room, while Hershel attends Allen's wound. Sasha believes that Judith is Beth's baby, but Beth informs her that Judith isn't hers. Beth and Axel take shovels to Tyreese's group when they go to bury Donna. Later, when Rick and the other group members arrive at The Prison, Beth runs up and kisses Rick on the cheek for saving Maggie's life. She then hold hands with Maggie as they walk to the prison. After that, she gives Judith to Rick, and stated that she has Lori's eyes. Rick feels uneasy hearing the statement and feels headache as Judith's cries echo through the room and fill it with disturbance around his mind.

Later on, Beth is walking with Judith and she comes up to Carol. Carol says that Judith reminds her of Sophia when she was still a baby. Beth told her that she always wanted a child. They bond with each other while doing laundry. They also discuss the situation with Daryl, and Beth states that she is angered at Daryl for abandoning the group, also states that Merle sounds "like a jerk." Later that evening, Beth is concerned about Judith's safety as she is worried about The Governor retaliating. She and the others are present when Rick decides the fate of Tyreese's group. When Rick is screaming furiously, Beth held Judith tightly and hid behind Maggie and Carl. She and the others worry about the current state of Rick's mind.


Beth is shown talking with the group in the beginning. She believes that Woodbury won't attack because they had been scared off. After Glenn and Carl announced that the boiler room is infested with walkers, Beth and the others argues about the safety of the prison. Later on, Beth is seen holding Judith. Beth asked Maggie to hold Judith for a while as she wanted to make Hershel something to eat. She sits down with Maggie and gives the baby to her. Beth instructs Maggie how to take care of Judith properly and held Maggie's hand. They smiled and Beth proceeds to make food for her father. At the end of the episode, she is shown walking with Carl when The Governor attacks. Carl quickly protects her by leading her to a table for cover, where she hides behind Carl. While the Woodbury soldiers reload, she and Carl run behind a wall for cover. Maggie runs to hand her and Carl guns. Carol then runs to them and Beth hands a gun to her. After The Governor's forces leave and zombies invade their field, Beth, Carl, Maggie and Carol run to the gate and open it for Hershel, Glenn, and Michonne. Beth and Maggie were relieved when Hershel made it out alive and the group glanced with distraught at the prison field, now overrun by walkers.

"I Ain't a Judas"

Beth is seen along with the rest of the group when they discuss the Woodbury situation. Beth stops Maggie when she lashes out at Merle, wanting the group to come to a decision rather than assigning blame. When Andrea arrives at the prison Beth is seen along with the others running out to protect the prison then Beth is not present until near the end of the episode when Andrea leaves the group, as she is taking care of Judith or possibly keeping watch. Beth is seen with a gun protecting the prison along with the others. Later that night, Beth sings the Tom Waits song, "Hold On", by the candlelight while the rest of the group listens on.

"Arrow on the Doorpost"

Beth stayed at the prison as she is waiting for Rick, Daryl, and Hershel to come back from their negotiation with The Governor. She is later seen helping put extra ammo around the prison. When Glenn and Merle are fighting, Beth shoots into the air to stop the fight between Merle and Glenn and glare at them without saying anything. She is later seen listening to Rick's briefing about the meeting between him and The Governor.

"This Sorrowful Life"

Beth is seen helping the other survivors by driving them back up to cell block after they set up traps ready for the attack in the field. She is later seen praying with Hershel and Maggie. When Hershel stopped praying, she asked her father if he's okay and he replied that he would do anything to keep her and Maggie safe. She is seen at the end of the episode listening to Rick's speech about how they are all equal.

"Welcome to the Tombs"

Beth is seen at the beginning of the episode loading clothes and other belongings into a car for the prison survivors to leave. She and Carl load a bag into the back of the car garage hastily, and she gives him a confused look as to why he's throwing a tantrum. Later, during the attack, she is with Hershel and Carl in a forest close by the prison. Together, they hide and wait. She is protected by Hershel and Carl when a Woodbury soldier comes across them and is shot by Carl. When the coast is clear, Beth walks into the prison with Judith in her arms. She lets Rick kiss Judith on the forehead and then walks away. When Rick, Michonne, and Daryl leave for Woodbury Beth kills two walkers as she Carol and Glenn shut the gate behind Rick's party. Later, at the end of the episode, she is with the prison survivors and the new Woodbury prison members. Beth, along with the others, walks into the prison. She welcomes the newly arrived groups of elders and children from Woodbury into the prison.

Season 4[]

"30 Days Without An Accident"

Beth was first seen talking to Zach, her new boyfriend. He said he was going on a run with the others and kissed Beth. She said "Okay" as if she didn't care. When he asked if she's going to say goodbye, she said "no." Later on in the episode, Zach gets bitten and dies. Glenn tells Maggie that Daryl is going to tell Beth the news. Daryl found Beth writing something on her notebook. To his surprise, when he told Beth that Zach had died, she didn't seem upset. Beth stated she doesn't cry anymore. She says she was glad to have spent the time that she had with him and asked Daryl if he was okay. He said he's tired of losing people as Beth looks at a sign that says 'This workplace has gone 30 days without an accident' (a reference to the episode's name). Beth takes the 3 off and it said 0 days. Beth hugged Daryl and said she hated saying goodbye. He agreed.


Beth is first seen in the morning picking up Judith from Rick. After the walker threat from cell block D had been subdued, Beth is seen caring for Judith while treating Michonne's injured foot. She tapes up Michonne's injured foot, and comforts her about her injury. Beth talked about people dying and Judith then begins crying, so Beth cradles her and sings her a song. Judith then throws up on Beth, and Beth asks of Michonne to hold her while she changes her clothes. Michonne reluctantly agrees. When Beth returns, she sees a teary Michonne hugging Judith, so she leaves her in peace


Beth is first seen talking with Maggie in an isolated room. She confides Maggie that they all have jobs to do and that they shouldn't be giving up on a desperate situation. She believes that things will get better if they all work hard. Later on, she informs Maggie that Hershel had left to get medical supplies. Beth tells Maggie that they don't get to get upset, while holding back her tears.

"Too Far Gone"

Beth appears outside of the prison with the group when the tank blows up the watchtower. She witnesses her father being pulled out of the truck at The Governor's orders by Alisha and she and Maggie hold hands, hoping that their father's life is spared. She along with the group witness Rick reasoning with The Governor. Beth is handed a gun by Daryl to fight to keep the prison safe, and when she witnesses The Governor slicing into Hershel's neck, she and Maggie start tearfully shooting through the fence at The Governor's army, crying over the loss of their father. Both Beth and Maggie relentlessly fight against The Governor's forces until they are forced to retreat. As the battle ensues, both Beth and Maggie make their way to the bus to evacuate the Prison. Maggie leaves Beth to find Glenn telling her that "We all have jobs to do" and that her job is to get the survivors in the bus. This line mirrors what Beth said to Maggie in the episode "Isolation". When Maggie returns with Glenn to the bus, she is told by Jeanette that Beth had left to get Judith. However, Beth returns without Judith, as she could not find her and instead finds Daryl. Daryl tells Beth that they have to go, so they leave the prison into the unknown.


Beth is first seen narrating the episode. She is writing in her old journal which she found in her backpack when the group settles at the prison, as she and Daryl are running in the woods and killing walkers. She said that keeping hope alive is crucial in this world. She tries to kill a walker but her gun has no bullets, so Daryl shoots it in the head with his arrow. The two quickly escape. Her and Daryl escape the walkers and run in a field and then fall from exhaustion. She and Daryl later set up a small camp in the woods, with pieces of paper from Beth's notebook. Beth tells Daryl they should do something and look for the others. She sees that Daryl has shut down, and Beth gets up and heads off to search for Maggie, Glenn, or any of the other members of the group after Daryl silently refuses to make an effort to look for them.

The following morning, the two walk by a log where two bunnies are seen decapitated (from Lizzie the night before). Beth tells Daryl it wouldn't kill him to have a little faith, and he replies "Faith didn't do shit for your father." She looks at him, angered, before turning away and ignoring him. She finds berries on a tree and tells Daryl the others will be hungry when they find each other. Daryl hands Beth his bandana and she puts the berries in it for safe keeping. While traveling in search for the others, a walker attacks Beth, but Daryl pulls it away. The walker then falls onto Daryl and Beth stabs it in the head. Together, the two head down the train tracks seen throughout the episode. They see a pile of bodies of people from the prison. Beth finally breaks down. She cries after she believes one of the bodies is Luke's. Daryl turns around to tell her to move along, but she stays there, crying. Daryl doesn't comfort her. Later that night, Beth and Daryl set up a small camp and she told herself to believe for her father and everyone else that they could stay at the prison safely for the rest of their lives.


Beth and Daryl come across a destroyed car along the side of the road and she tries to hot-wire it. Walkers are heard coming from the trees and both of them hide inside the car trunk, waiting for the walkers to pass. The next morning they get out, scavenge the car for anything useful and leave. Later, Beth sets up a small camp and starts a fire with things that she found while scavenging the car they were hiding in. She collects condensation from plants in a water bottle, and lets a lady bug crawl on her finger. While they both eat the rattlesnake that Daryl skinned, Beth says that she wants a drink. Daryl throws her a water bottle, but she clarifies that she wants some alcohol (due to her father not allowing it). She goes off to find some but encounters several walkers. She distracts them by throwing a stone and luring them away but before she could manage to continue, Daryl finds her and brings her back to camp. Furious, Beth flips out, stating that she wanted something to do rather than just sitting around in their camp, and will find some alcohol, whether Daryl helps her or not. They make their way to a country club, but the front door is locked and walkers are chasing after them. They break in through the back entrance and find walkers, hanging by their necks from the ceiling, having committed mass suicide while still alive. Daryl looks for supplies while Beth goes to find some alcohol. Eventually she finds a bottle of wine, but is forced to destroy it when a walker pins her to the wall, making the bottle as a makeshift weapon. Daryl watches Beth kill the walker, and Beth sarcastically thanks him for his help. In one part of the club is a clothing store, and Beth takes a fresh change of clothes. Beth and Daryl find a dead woman staged as a mannequin with the sign "Rich Bitch" hanging from her neck. Beth asked Daryl to help her put the woman to rest in peace, and after being persuaded, Daryl finally help Beth by covering the woman with a blanket. Suddenly, the grandfather clock they encountered earlier rings and the two run towards a dead end while being chased by walkers. Daryl ferociously clubs the walkers to death with a golf club while Beth hid behind him, and he accidentally splashes walker blood on Beth's new shirt. The two later find the bar as well as a bottle of Peach Schnapps. Beth asks if it's good, but Daryl said no. He breaks a picture frame containing a map and plays with a dart board while Beth looks for a glass. She cries and Daryl smashes the bottle, saying that it won't do for a first drink.

Daryl leads Beth to a shack he found with Michonne and brings out some moonshine. Beth hesitates due to the supposed effects of moonshine, but Daryl pours her a glass anyway. She drinks some, and is disgusted by the taste; nevertheless, she pours another for herself and one for Daryl. Later on, she teaches Daryl the drinking game 'I never'. Daryl asked Beth is she's ever played it before, but she said she's never played it, and only watched her friends playing the game. He plays the game and reveals several stories but Beth accidentally angers him during her turn while saying she never went to jail. After taking a piss against the wall nonchalantly, Daryl goes berserk, starts yelling, and smashing jugs, attracting a walker outside. He sarcastically screamed at her that he never had a frozen yogurt, never had a pet pony, never had a present from Santa, never sung in front of a big group like it was a game, and never slit his wrist to gain attention, which makes Beth angry. He drags Beth outside and (due to her saying she never shot a crossbow before) begins to drunkenly teach her. After he haphazardly shoots several arrows at the walker, Beth stabs it in the head and the two have a fight. Beth yells at Daryl and told him not to just shrug off everything they have went through like it was nothing, and yells at him for thinking that she's just another dead girl. She told him that Daryl can feel emotions like her as well when Sophia and her mom came out of the barn. Daryl lashes out at her, saying she didn't feel a thing when two of her boyfriends died, and told her that she's naïve for thinking that they're going to see the others again. However, he eventually breaks down and cries, blaming himself for Hershel's death while Beth hugs him from behind. That night while the moonshine wears off, the two of them share stories about their past. Daryl tells Beth a story about his family and Merle, and said that he misses him. Beth admits that she envisioned a normal happy life for herself, Hershel, Maggie, Glenn and everyone else at the Prison. She also told Daryl how she misses Shawn, Annette, Hershel, and Maggie. She acknowledges that she doesn't have the skills necessary to survive and will probably be dead soon. Daryl tries to say otherwise, but Beth knows it to be true while he will most likely be "the last man standing", also advising him to be who he is right now, not who he was. She then suggests they both should burn the building down; Daryl goes inside, saying they need more booze. They empty all the jugs and light a wad of money Daryl found. As the cabin burns, they flip it off and leave into the night.


Beth is first seen using Daryl's crossbow and practicing tracking skills. She said that she's getting good at hunting and tracking, and jokingly said that sooner or later she won't need Daryl to protect her anymore. She finds a walker feasting, however, before she can kill the walker, she gets her foot caught in a trap, alerting the walker. Beth fires the crossbow, but it doesn't pierce the brain, and she is saved by Daryl. Daryl takes her via piggyback to a nearby graveyard, where Beth sees a grave with the inscription, "beloved father", reminding her of Hershel. Daryl picks up some wildflowers and places them on top of the grave. She then holds Daryl's hand. At the funeral home, Beth and Daryl find a funeral parlor with walkers dressed up in suits and placed in coffins and on mortuary tables. Beth says it's a beautiful thing to do because the people who cared for the dead bodies still remembered that walkers were once people. Daryl and Beth check the kitchen and find that the shelves are stocked with foods which have no dust, and Daryl determines that someone else is using the funeral home for themselves. Beth believes that there are still good people who survived until now, and Daryl says they will only take half the food for themselves, leaving the rest. At night, Beth is singing and playing a piano beside a coffin, and Daryl listened to her from behind, which startles her. Daryl then decides to sleep inside the coffin beside the piano, and tells Beth to keep singing and playing the piano. She seems amazed and comments that she thought he was annoyed by her singing. She then continues to sing and play the piano as a goodnight song for Daryl.

The next morning, Daryl carries Beth into the kitchen. Suddenly, they hear the cans tied to the porch rattle as if a walker has come up. Daryl opens the door and sees a one-eyed dog barking and wagging its tail. As Daryl reaches to pet it, it runs away. At night, Beth writes a thank you note for the people in the house. Daryl said she shouldn't because they should stay here a little longer. Beth asked why and thought that Daryl finally believes that there are still good people out there. She asked him why he changed his mind and is somewhat surprised when she realizes that she has had an impact on him, after all. They then hear more rattling and the dog barking outside. Daryl goes to the door and opens it believing that the dog wants in, only to have a herd of walkers attempt to barge in. Daryl instructs Beth to run outside and meet him on the road while he distract the walkers. But when Daryl finally makes it outside he sees Beth's bag on the ground with the contents scattered and a black car with a white cross painted on the back windshield speeding off. Beth is believed to have been kidnapped and taken to a hospital in an unknown location.


Beth appears in this episode through flashbacks from the beginning of Season 4, where she is seen holding Judith at the prison. Hershel is telling Rick that Beth will be taking care of Judith for the day and then Beth said good morning to Rick, reaches for Judith and walks away. In the present time, when Rick and Daryl talk the morning after the fight with the Marauders, Daryl mentions that he was with Beth for a while after the prison attack. Rick asks if she died and he states "She's just gone." Once again in another flashback, Beth is seen with Patrick, Carl and Judith. She is holding Judith while watching Patrick play with Legos and Carl putting a gun together. The final flashback of the episode is outside in the prison yard where Hershel, Rick, and Carl are digging holes for planting as Beth and Judith watch. Carl dropped his hat while digging and Rick puts his sheriff's hat on Beth and jokingly says that she's the new sheriff in town. He compliments her that it looks good on her and says he wants things to stay the way they are.

Season 5[]


Beth wakes up in Grady Memorial Hospital in Atlanta. Since Beth has no idea where she is, she grabs the IV attached to her arm and prepares to defend herself as the small group of survivors walk into her room. Beth is greeted and informed of her whereabouts, as well as being told what happened and her injuries by Dawn Lerner and Dr. Steven Edwards. Dawn coldly says to Beth, "So you owe us". This means that Beth has to pay back, as she has taken from others. Beth soon finds herself paying off these "debts" by assisting Edwards on his rounds, and doing general jobs, such as cleaning. Edwards tells her of the group's history and guides her through many of the community's amenities and pitfalls. After a new patient, Gavin Trevitt, is wheeled in, Beth is instructed to help Edwards. After Dawn finds out that Trevitt will not make it, she furiously slaps Beth in anger. Beth is left bleeding. Beth is targeted by Gorman, whom she met earlier and is the one who took her to the hospital, ultimately wanting her as a sex slave. She is left to endure his sexual advances until Edwards steps in to defend her. Soon after, a new patient is brought in who tried to escape the hospital due to getting raped numerous times, named Joan, who has been bitten. Beth holds her down as her arm is amputated to prevent infection. As Beth gets herself a clean shirt, she is greeted by Noah. She and Noah instantly form a good friendship. Beth unwittingly injects Trevitt with Clozapine, which kills him. An angry Dawn demands to know what happened, and Noah lies and takes the blame. He is beaten by Dawn and Beth is left upset. Dawn later tells Beth that she knew that it was Beth's fault, and lied to protect the hospital's stability. She tells Beth that she isn't strong enough for this world, to which Beth confidently replies, "I am strong." She and Noah both create a plan to escape the hospital.

Beth sneaks into Dawn's office and finds a deceased Joan behind Dawn's desk, who had committed suicide. She takes the key to the elevator shaft from Dawn's drawer. At this point, Gorman walks in on her and gives her an offer for him to keep a lid on her theft, in return for her to be controlled by him in a sexual context. As he pushes himself against her, Beth takes advantage of Joan's reanimation, and hits Gorman over the head with a glass jar, where he fell to the ground, resulting in Joan eating him. Beth takes his gun and leaves. Noah and Beth sneak down the elevator shaft, and are faced with walkers at the bottom. Beth shoots and kills all of these walkers and heads outside, to which she has to face many more. She kills and pushes enough of them out of the way in order to escape. As she runs, She is taken down by an officer. Only Noah got away. Beth is beaten by Dawn as punishment, and also because she told Dawn that nobody is coming to rescue them, which angers her. Sometime later, Edwards tends to her injuries. Beth confronts Edwards over Trevitt. She says that she knew that Edwards knew what he was doing, and purposely told her to give Trevitt the wrong medicine in order to deliberately kill him because he was also a doctor, and by having him alive, it threatened Edward's position and Dawn wouldn't protect as well as value him any longer. Edwards admits these accusations and replies by telling Beth that he did it to save his life. As Edwards walks out of the room, Beth grabs some scissors and prepares to murder Edwards for his shocking actions. Suddenly, she sees Carol being brought in on a stretcher, which changes her mind, as Carol will need Edwards help in order to survive. Beth looks on, worried and shocked.


At the hospital, Beth listens into Dawn and O'Donnell's conversation about the patient in exam room 2 (Carol). It is discussed between the two about Carol's fate. Dawn soon makes the decision to switch off the machines that are keeping Carol stable. Beth interrupts and insists that this was a bad thing to do, and it remains unknown to the hospital survivors that Beth and Carol knew each other. After Beth has unsuccessfully tried to talk around the pair, Dawn tells her that she had just killed the patient. Dawn then admits that she was wrong about Beth being weak, then handing her the drug locker key and tells her to get the medicine to save Carol.

Later, Beth heads over to Dr. Steven Edwards office and demands he tells her the suitable medicine for the patient in exam room 2. He stutters and then gives her a straight answer. She hatches a plan which involves having another ex-patient pretend to choke. Whilst officers assist the elderly patient, Beth grabs the meds to then immediately return to Carol's bedside and prepare the drugs, using strawberries as a bribery tool. Beth holds Carol's hand with a worried look on her face, and tells an unconscious Carol: "I just wanted you to know that I was here".


Beth is cleaning Dawn's office while she tries to reach her officers on the radio. She finds a photo of her and Hanson, and Dawn tells her that he was her mentor and friend and explains what happened to him.

Beth watches as O'Donnell berates Percy for not properly stitching a hole in his sleeve and shoves him to the ground. He is about to call Beth over but Dawn arrives and leads her away.

Beth sits on the edge of the elevator shaft when Dawn appears. Beth tells Dawn the world isn't going to magically get better, and Dawn says that the other cops don't know that she got Gorman and Jeffries killed. O'Donnell walks in and threatens Dawn, saying that she should tell the other officers or he will. The two begin to fight, and when Beth tries to break them up, O'Donnell shoves her to the ground. Dawn regains the advantage and calls for Beth, who gets to her feet and shoves him down the shaft. Dawn thanks her.

Beth is sitting against the wall in Carol's hospital room when Dawn arrives. Dawn tells her it's okay to cry, but Beth says she doesn't cry anymore. Beth tells her she only covered for her to protect herself, and insists she's going to leave just like Noah. Dawn says that Noah will be back "as they always do". She reveals that she knows Beth knows Carol, and that they both should stay.

Later, Beth gets changed into her old clothes and hides a pair of scissors in her cast. She wheels Carol into a hallway with Dawn and her officers, where Rick and the others arrive. They trade the two hostage officers for Carol and Beth, and are about to leave when Dawn demands that Noah stay. She and Rick begin to argue until Noah volunteers to stay. Beth is unhappy and goes over to hug Noah, and Dawn whispers "I knew you'd be back." Beth approaches Dawn so they are face to face, and says "I get it now" before stabbing her in the shoulder with the scissors. In shock, Dawn accidentally shoots Beth in the head as both groups look on in horror. Dawn protests that she didn't mean to kill Beth, but Daryl pulls out his gun and shoots Dawn in the head.

As the rest of the group arrive at the hospital, Maggie breaks down as Daryl carries Beth's body outside.

"What Happened and What's Going On"

Beth appears as a hallucination after Tyreese has been bitten. Tyreese looks around to see her singing and playing the guitar with the bullet hole from her death appearing on her forehead. She tells him, "It's okay Tyreese", and comforts him along with the hallucinations of Bob Stookey and Lizzie and Mika, but Tyreese is antagonized by Martin and The Governor, who have also recently died. However, they disappear as the rest of the live group attempt to save Tyreese. At the end of the episode, Beth is seen driving the truck, she turns to face Tyreese again, and delivers the same line, "It's okay, Tyreese", hinting that it is better when you are dead, only this time, Beth does not have the cuts or the bullet hole on her head. Then, she and the other hallucinations disappear for the final time.


Beth appears briefly as Sasha has a flashback back to Beth's death.

Season 7[]

"The Day Will Come When You Won't Be"

Beth appears briefly in a flashback when Rick reflects on memories with all of his friends while panicking over the possibility that his other friends could be killed by the Saviors.

Season 9[]

"What Comes After"

In a hallucination, Beth's voice is heard asking Rick what his wound is before he talks to Hershel in the barn.

In another hallucination, Rick walks through a floor full of the corpses of his friends and loved ones, Beth among them.

Season 11[]

"Rest in Peace"

Beth appears in the form of flashbacks when both Rick and Michonne Grimes reflect back on both the people they have lost, and those that are still living.

Dead City[]

Season 1[]

"People Are a Resource"

Beth will appear in this episode.


Killed By

Shortly after the trade between the Survivors and the Grady Memorial survivors, Dawn demands Noah to be returned to her. After Noah agrees to return, Beth runs up to him and hugs him, before turning to Dawn.

Beth tells Dawn that she "gets it now", as she slips the scissors out from beneath her cast and stabs her vest in a futile attempt to prove her point. Dawn reflexively pulls out her gun and shoots Beth in the head, but realizes she didn't mean to.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims Beth has killed:


For a more in-depth look at Beth's relationships, read here: Beth Greene (TV Series)/Relationships




Episodes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Season 1
Season 2 👁 🖼 👁 👁 👁 👁
Season 3 👁 👁 👁
Season 4
Season 5
Season 6
Season 7
Season 8
Season 9
Season 10
Season 11
Appears Voice is heard
👁 Appears with no lines Appears in a flashback
Appears as a walker 🖼 Appears in a photograph/video
Appears as a corpse Appears in a hallucination/dream

Episodes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Season 1 🖼
Season 2
Appears Voice is heard
👁 Appears with no lines Appears in a flashback
Appears as a walker 🖼 Appears in a photograph/video
Appears as a corpse Appears in a hallucination/dream


For more images of Beth Greene, please visit Beth Greene (TV Series)/Gallery.


  • Originally, Beth was meant to be lured into the woods by Axel and murdered by him in Season 3. However, this storyline was scrapped.[2]
  • In the episode "Still", Beth finds a silver spoon with a Washington, D.C. engraving inside the country club, foreshadowing the fact that Beth would be the only member of the Group not informed of the group's potential destination being Washington, D.C.
  • After the prison is destroyed in the Comic Series, Maggie is the only remaining Greene family member alive. In the TV Series, both she and Beth made it out alive from the prison.
  • In the episode "Home", Glen Mazzara had stated that he had considered killing Beth instead of Axel during The Governor's attack. He said, "We looked at the possibility of killing Beth. I don’t think the actor knows that. You know, I love Emily Kinney. But I felt that would have had too big an impact on the group. It would have just devastated poor Hershel. It would have taken him down a path I didn’t want for the rest of the season. And we were already dealing with Maggie's feelings about her sexual assault by the Governor, so we didn’t want to complicate that with mourning for her sister."
  • Beth is the only character to wear Rick's hat that isn't a member of the Grimes family.
  • Beth is the third main character to die in a mid-season finale, the first being Hershel, the second being Philip Blake, the fourth being Deanna Monroe, the fifth being Spencer Monroe, and the sixth being Paul Rovia.
  • Beth is also the second original main character in the TV Series to die, the first being Merle, the third being Sasha and the fourth being Simon.
  • Beth is the second member of the Greene family to die in a mid-season finale, the first being her father, Hershel.
    • Beth and Hershel both died during hostile negotiations of two different groups.
  • Beth is the third character to have a death in a mid-season finale. First being Sophia, then Hershel. Her death is then followed by Deanna, Spencer, Olivia, Natania, and Jesus.
  • Beth is the first member of the Greene family to not reanimate.
  • Beth is the fourth main character to outlive her comic book counterpart, with the first being Shane Walsh, the second being Carol Peletier, the third being Tyreese Williams, the fifth being Judith Grimes, the sixth being Morgan Jones, the seventh being Abraham Ford, the eighth being Rosita Espinosa, the ninth being Ezekiel Sutton, the tenth being Alpha and the eleventh being Gabriel Stokes.
  • Beth is the fourth main character to die by being shot in the head, with the first being Dale Horvath, the second being Andrea Harrison, the third being The Governor, the fifth being Carl Grimes, and the sixth being Leah Shaw.
    • She is also the first of three main characters that have gotten a scar across their cheek, the second being Rosita Espinosa, and the third being Lance Hornsby.
  • A painted portrait of Beth could be seen in the Barrington House as a part of a shrine in the episode "Morning Star", alongside other paintings of Maggie's family, including Glenn Rhee and Hershel Greene.
  • Beth is the last character who originated from the Greene Family Farm to die in the TV Series.
    • She is also the last member of the Greene family to die.
  • Beth appears in the archival footage shown at the beginning of "A New Deal" and "Outpost 22" as Judith narrates past events of the show to the audience before the episode's story begins.
  • Beth is one of four main characters to not be killed by a main character or walkers, the others being Paul Rovia, Siddiq, and Alden.
  • Beth appears in the final flashbacks of the last episode "Rest in Peace".

International Dubbers[]

Language Dubber Other Characters Voiced
Czech Viktorie Taberyová N/A
French Lucille Boudonnat Sophia Peletier
German Julia Stoepel N/A
Hungarian Hermann Lilla N/A
Italian Veronica Puccio Hope Bennett
Japanese Aki Nakajima Carl Grimes (1-5)
Portuguese Rosa Barcellos N/A
Spanish (Latin America) Natalia Pupato (2-3)
Tatul Bernodat (4-5)
Tatul Bernodat:
Maggie Rhee ("This Sorrowful Life"-"Welcome to the Tombs")
Spanish (Spain) Celia De Diego (2-3)
Inma Gallego (4-5)
Inma Gallego:
Mika Samuels

