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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

The biker is a survivor of the outbreak in The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct. He is a member of Savage Sons Motorcycle Club.


Barksdale, Georgia[]

Nothing is known about the biker's life before or as the outbreak except he and his gang hung out in a bar called Jake's.


Club Reunion[]

Sometime during the outbreak, the biker and his gang hid in the bar, later, the gang left for a supply run. The biker stayed with Ash, a member of the gang. At the bar, however, Merle comes and shoots him. Later, after Daryl wakes up after being knocked out by another member of the gang, he gets his knife just as the biker reanimates and stabs him in the head, then Daryl retrieves his crossbow from the biker's body.


Killed By

Merle comes into the bar and kills the biker. Later after Daryl wakes up, he gets his knife just as the biker reanimates and is stabbed in the head.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims this biker has killed:

  • Possibly numerous counts of zombies and unnamed people


  • This biker is the one of two variant walkers to not appear in any of the Television Universe shows, instead appearing in one of the games.
  • It's impossible to retrieve Daryl's crossbow until the biker reanimates and is put down. Beforehand, it will just be trapped under the man's body and inaccessible to the player.
    • The player can have Daryl collect all of the crossbow bolts around Jake's before getting this knife as this man won't reanimate until the knife is in Daryl's hands.