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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

I need more time. Just one more hour.
―This woman to Alicia Clark and Blake Sarno.[src]

This Black Hat Native is a survivor of the outbreak in AMC's Fear the Walking Dead. She is a resident of the Black Hat Reservation who moved to Broke Jaw Ranch.


Location Unknown[]

Nothing is known about this woman's life before the apocalypse except that she was part of the Black Hat tribe.


Season 3[]

"This Land Is Your Land"[]

This woman is among the ranchers to evacuate to the underground pantry. As Alicia addresses the crowd about those who were bitten, she is among those to come forward regarding his bite. She begins to have second thoughts about dying so soon and asks for more time, but is reminded that there is no time to spare. Ultimately, she is put down and killed with the other bitten victims.


Killed By

Troy secretly redirects a massive horde of walkers towards the ranch. When the horde gets to the ranch and attack everyone, the remaining survivors enter the pantry.

Since the air vent is locked, Blake suggests that they put down the bitten survivors in order to preserve the air.

This woman is among the bitten survivors to step forward and to be stabbed in the head by Alicia to prevent reanimation.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims this woman has killed:

  • Herself (Sacrifice)
  • Possibly numerous counts of zombies


Fear the Walking Dead[]

Season 3[]

