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This article is about the Novel Series character. For other pages with the same name, see: Bobby

Bobby McCullam is a character mentioned in The Walking Dead: The Fall of the Governor. He was a sergeant who fought alongside Bob Stookey in Afghanistan before getting blown in half by an IED and loaded onto the cargo bay still alive.


Alabama, USA[]

Bobby was from Alabama and at a young age joined the army where he rose to the rank of Master Sergeant.

Kandahar, Aufghanistan[]

Bobby took part in the war in Afghanistan following the September 11th terrorist attacks. During Bob Stookey’s two weeks as a battle medic, he became aquainted enough with Bobby to remember that he was from Alabama. One day Bobby gets half of his body torn off by an improvised explosive device outside Kandahar. Bobby has a death mask of a face under his helmet. He fixes his gaze Bob the Ambulance Driver and tells him to kill him. Bob couldn't do anything for the young man except load him into a sweltering cargo bay already crammed with dead marines. The young marine dies with his eyes locked onto Bob’s and proceeds to haunt his dreams for the next few years.


The Fall of the Governor - Part Two[]

While looking at the Governor's tortured, mangled body for the first time, Bob Stookey is reminded of Bobby McCullam who he fought with in Afghanistan. Bobby's face overlays the Governor's, in a grotesque double image as he lies on the floor and Bob remembers the entire incident. This passes through Bob's imagination in an instant, and makes him roar up vomit onto the filthy carpet.


Killed By
  • Improvised Explosive Device
  • The Taliban (Caused, Assumed)

Bobby is blown in half by an IED likely set up by the enemy in Afghanistan.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims Bobby has killed:

  • Possibly numerous counts of enemy combatants (Pre-Apocalypse)


Bob Stookey[]

McCullam and Stookey didn't know each other for very long in Afghanistan but were likely quite friendly. Stookey learned Bobby's full name and that he came from Alabama. After Bobby's death, Stookey was haunted in his dreams by what he witnessed and likely felt a lot of guilt for not ending McCullam's suffering himself sooner. He then decended into alcoholism.
