Boyd is a survivor of the outbreak who appears in The Walking Dead: All-Stars.
Nothing is known about their life prior to or as the outbreak began.
Boyd's Story - Investment[]
Boyd approaches Samuel and Karlie, who are both observing their recently captured baby boar. Boyd tells the duo to let the boar go as it's too young for it to feed the group. Although frustrated with Boyd's decision, they do as he tells them. Despite this, they ask him what they'll do for dinner, to which he says they'll ask the nearby Construction Site Community for food, just as they've done in the past. Suddenly, the baby boar's mother come up upon them. Boyd wonders to himself if they should attack the mother, knowing that if the mother were to attack them that it's possible that somebody may die. The trio stares down the boar, slowly backing away in the process, until all of them are safely away.
Dispatch - Making Arrows[]
Boyd approaches Asyl saying that he'd like to make some arrows from some of the trees they have and requests if they can help in chopping them down.
Chapter 60 - Retirement Plan[]
Crane, Boyd, Ariana, Hudson, Steve, R, and Catherine are all working on clearing the streets as part of the city reclamation plan. Crane, Boyd, and Ariana discuss how the other four group members are so much bigger than them and thus are able to carry their wait more than the three of them. Crane rudely comments on how Hudson is always drawing comic books; however both Boyd and Ariana counter with what he's doing is admirable as art of any for is an important for of communication. Crane and Boyd go talk to Hudson to recruit him to help in the next part of the reclamation plan. While doing this, Boyd tells him that his art matters. The three of them then discuss what they'll do after they reclaim the city with Crane stating that he's going to loot one of the mansions and take much of the stuff for himself.
Killed Victims[]
This list shows the victims Boyd has killed:
- Numerous counts of zombies, unnamed people, and animals
- Boyd is one of sixteen characters to physically appear before having their name confirmed.
- The other fifteen characters with this distinction are Renee, Trent, Roger, Chad, Miles, Gabe, Jane, Kaori, Ryohei, Souta, Fynn, Charlotte, Stefan, Samuel, and Karlie.
- His name was revealed in the September 11, 2024 update preview.
- Boyd is one of four player character with this distinction.
- The other three with this distinction are Souta, Fynn, and Stefan.