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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

Brian Blake is a survivor of the outbreak who appears in The Walking Dead: All-Stars.


Location Unknown[]

Nothing is known about Brian's life prior to or as the outbreak began.


Brian's Story - A Vicious Hobby[]

Brian and two Woodbury Residents approach a helicopter crash site. There they find three survivors; Christina Haben, Mike, and an unnamed woman. Seeing that Christina and Mike survived, he makes them fight to the death for his own enjoyment. Although both are initally hesitant, Christina eventually gets the upper hand and kills Mike. After this, Brian slits Christina's throat and takes her body. Later that day, Brian gets a delivery from one of his soldiers where they bring him Christina's decapitated head. He then talks to a zombified Penny Blake about his day and how he's considering opening up an arena

The Governor & Alpha & Negan's Story - Different But The Same[]

The Governor is looking at the aftermath of an attack by The Raiders alongside Caesar Martínez and another Woodbury Resident. The resident found a Raider who was still alive despite being shot in the chest. The Governor kills him and tells both men to notify the town that everything is alright and taken care of. After they leave, The Governor chops off the man's hand so he can feed it to Penny.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims Brian has killed:


  • According to the MBTI Event Part 2, Brian's myers briggs personality is ESTJ.
  • Brian is one of five character to have non-canon deaths during the "Journey Back" Event.
  • Brian is one of six character to use a walker in battle.
    • The other five characters with this distinction are R, Dwight, Lydia, Beta, and Alpha.
      • He is the only character who's walker has a name, with his using Mike.
    • After the battle ends, Brian celebrates by taking out Mike's decapitated head.