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Walking Dead Wiki

Did you find any bad guys?
―Briga to Dwight and Sherry.[src]

Briga Larson is a survivor of the outbreak in AMC's Fear the Walking Dead. She is the daughter of Kevin and Kim.


Location Unknown[]

Nothing is known about Briga's life prior to or as the outbreak began.


Season 6[]

"The Beginning"[]

As Dwight and Sherry are sitting near a house, The pair are suddenly confronted by a couple of survivors who'd been hiding in the house, and Dwight and Sherry hold them at gunpoint. Dwight tries to de-escalate the situation, assuring the couple that they thought the house was empty, with Sherry advising them to evacuate to a safe place. The man, Kevin, says that they have a place, but that "they" took it. He explains that they have a storm cellar which they were planning on hiding in after they saw the missile, when some "jackasses" showed up and forced them out. The woman, Kim, doesn't know who they were, just that they were ranting about how "the end is the beginning." Kevin bitterly says that they put a gun to his daughter's face, who then makes her presence known as well. Once they lower their guns, Kim asks Dwight and Sherry to leave them alone. Dwight, instead, volunteers to get the cellar back for them. When Kim asks how, Dwight asks if they have any rope.

Season 7[]

"Till Death"[]

Dwight and Sherry bring supplies back to the cellar where they've been living with the Larsons—Kevin, Kim, and their daughter, Briga. Kevin and Kim tell Dwight and Sherry that they need to move on and join up with a community, but Dwight and Sherry beg them to wait until they find Padre. Someone radios with a request for help from the Dark Horses.

Later on, Dwight, Sherry, and Mickey arrive at the cellar and find Kim and Kevin shot in the head. Briga is a walker. Sherry and Dwight bury the Larsons, and deduce that Eli murdered them. Dwight wonders if they should take Strand's offer.


Killed By

On the orders of Victor Strand, Eli shoots and kills the Larson family. Unlike her parents, Briga is not shot in the head and so she reanimates.

After discovering the murdered Larson family and a reanimated Briga, Dwight sadly puts her down with his knife.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims Briga has killed:





Fear the Walking Dead[]

Season 6[]

Season 7[]

