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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

Brody is a survivor of the outbreak who appears in The Walking Dead: All-Stars.


Location Unknown[]

Nothing is known about Brody's life prior to or as the outbreak began.


Brody's Story - True Courage[]

Brody goes on a run alongside his friend, Chad. However, Chad got bit and quickly turns. Although Brody wants to put him down, he's unable to do so because of the rest of the zombies surrounding him and thus he leaves the area.

Survival Records - Proof[]

Annie, Emily, Brody, and Phoenix are out on a supply run when they are attacked by The Raiders. While trying to escape the building they're trapped in, they come across Henry who decided to follow the group to prove he can be useful outside of Asyl, much to the group's annoyance. The group eventually manages to escape the building and admit that Henry was able to fend for himself inside, but that he needs to remember that running into dangerous situations isn't the best situation given his age and that he'll be able to go on runs when he gets older.

Survival Records - Heading Home[]

The group eventually makes it out of the mansion and must avoid the Raiders as much as they can; however they are eventually surrounded and must fight their way through them to get back to Asyl.

Nicholas' Story - Meaningful Gift[]

Nicholas and Henry talk about how he snuck out to go on a scouting run and how he got in trouble with Brody.

Trickster Crane's Story - A Second Chance[]

Crane is training with David at the training center as they are practicing throwing knives. David comments how Crane has really improved since he got to Asyl, both in physical prowess and morality. Crane states that he's gotten more deadly thanks to him having trained with a sniper rifle with Kate, tracking with Sebastian and Diego, and bombmaking with Brody. As for the change in morality, Crane comments how it's from the fact that he's living in Asyl.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims Brody has killed:

  • Numerous unnamed Raiders
  • Numerous counts of zombies and unnamed people


  • According to the MBTI Event Part 1, Brody's myers briggs personality is ENFP (Extraversion, Intuition, Feeling, Perception).