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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki
This article is about the Browning Automatic Rifle Safari. You may be looking for other similar named Browning firearms.

The Browning BAR is a gas-operated, semi-automatic rifle produced by the Browning Arms Company first in Belgium and later in Japan. The rifle loads from a box magazine detachable from a hinged floor plate. This rifle should not be confused with the M1918 military rifle, which is a completely different design, sharing no parts, though also referred to as the BAR. Browning introduced a redesigned BAR in 1996.


TV Series[]

Season 1[]

800px-WDBAR2 "Vatos" T-Dog aiming the Browning Automatic Rifle Safari at Guillermo.
Walkingdeadrevolver "Vatos" T-Dog aiming down the sights of the Browning Automatic Rifle Safari at Guillermo.
WDBAR "Vatos" T-Dog loading the Browning Automatic Rifle Safari to try and get Glenn back.

The Telltale Series[]

Season 1[]

8c8bd6a8eecd0a6b075f4e1d831b19db "Starved For Help" Lee Everett running with a Browning Automatic Rifle Safari.
SFH Preview Ben "Starved For Help" Ben Paul fighting off walkers with a Browning Automatic Rifle Safari in the "Starved For Help" preview.
WDG Mark BARS "Starved For Help" Mark watching a pair of bandits while holding a Browning Automatic Rifle Safari.
Twd-review "Starved For Help" Lee Everett aiming a Browning Automatic Rifle Safari at Jolene.
Danleejolene1 "Starved For Help" Lee Everett with a Browning Automatic Rifle Safari after Danny St. John shoots Jolene.
Walking dead ben1 "Long Road Ahead" Ben Paul on watch with a Browning Automatic Rifle Safari.
WDG Lilly BARS "Long Road Ahead" Lilly firing at bandits with a Browning Automatic Rifle Safari.
Around Every Corner Cap 24 "Around Every Corner" Kenny with a Browning Automatic Rifle Safari during the Crawford infiltration.

