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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

Bud Blake was the brother of Ed Blake and the uncle of Brian and Philip Blake.



Ed was born in Ireland and grew up with his brother, Ed. He later moved to America with his family.

Waynesboro, Georgia[]

In October of 1944, during World War II, Bud fought on the Pacific on the USS Sonoma where he died by Japanese kamikazes attacking his ship.


The Fall of the Governor - Part Two[]

"Doomsday Clock"[]

Bud was mentioned by his nephew Brian, who used his death be a Japanese kamikaze as to justify the attack on Meriwether County Correctional Facility, claming that the residents in that prison and the same as the kamikaze that took his uncle's life.


Killed By
  • Japanese kamikaze (Pre-Apocalypse)

He was killed when the ship was sunk by a Japanese kamikaze in October 1944.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims Bud has killed:

  • Possibly numerous counts of unnamed Japanese soldiers (Pre-Apocalypse)