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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

Officer Stokes? Are you in there?
―This soldier outside Jadis' apartment.[src]

This CRM soldier is an antagonist and a survivor of the outbreak in AMC's The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live. She is member of the Civic Republic Military as a Frontliner.


Location Unknown[]

Nothing is known about this soldier's life prior to or as the outbreak began.


Season 1[]

"The Last Time"[]

This soldier slides an envelope beneath the door of Jadis Stokes' apartment door at Cascadia Forward Operating Base when it doesn't go all the way inside due to hitting Michonne's foot. The soldier asks out loud if Jadis is inside believing someone is inside due to the envelope not going in all the way. After getting no response, the soldier opens the door and steps inside looking around before suddenly turning around upon the door slamming shut and getting into a scuffle with Michonne. She is kicked to her knees and strangled to death with a wire. Her head is promptly stomped by Michonne to prevent reanimation.


Killed By

Michonne strangles this soldier to death with a wire during a scuffle and then stomps on her head to ensure that she doesn't reanimate.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims this soldier has killed:

  • Numerous counts of zombies and possibly unnamed people





The Ones Who Live[]

Season 1[]


  • Despite having speaking lines in "The Last Time", this character remains uncredited.