Walking Dead Wiki

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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

Triple-Chasers consist of three separate canisters pressed together with separating charges between each. When deployed, the canisters separate and land approximately 20 feet apart allowing increased area coverage in a short period of time. This grenade can be hand thrown or launched from a fired delivery system. The grenade is 6.5 in. by 2.7 in., cylinder-shaped, and holds an approximately 3.2 oz. of active agent payload. It has an approximate burn time of 20-30 seconds. It can have 3 different types of active agent inside due to modification: CS, CN, or smoke-producing compound "Saf-Smoke". Designed specifically for outdoor use in crowd management situations.


TV Series[]

Season 3[]

Chasers "The Suicide King" The CS Triple Chaser after Rick Grimes threw it in the arena to save Daryl.

