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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

This is a captive bolt pistol. It's used for livestock. Traumatic brain injury is the only thing that stops it.
Exner explains the weapon to Liza.[src]

A Captive Bolt Pistol is a weapon used for stunning animals prior to slaughter.


Before the outbreak, it was used to stun animals for slaughter and occasionally as a method of euthanazia for large animals in the field that couldn't be moved.


During the National Guard's occupation of the Los Angeles area, Doctor Bethany Exner and her staff use captive bolt pistols to put down patients before reanimation following their deaths. They are also used to put down people who come into the infirmary with bite wounds, both to spare them from any further suffering and to prevent the danger of them dying and turning in the future.

After Griselda Salazar dies of an infection in her crushed foot, Exner has a captive bolt pistol brought to her and she explains to Liza Ortiz that they must use it to destroy her brain or Griselda will reanimate as everyone comes back when they die no matter what. As Exner prepares to use it, Liza stops her, takes the bolt pistol and shoots Griselda in the head herself.

When the National Guard camp at Raynard Community College is overrun by a massive herd, Exner uses her bolt pistol to mercifully end the lives of her patients that couldn't be evacuated in time. After directing Madison's Group to another exit, Exner then uses her captive bolt pistol to commit suicide.

Killed Victims[]
