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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

Carol's Bow and Arrow is a bow and arrow adopted by Carol Peletier as her primary weapon during the six years after the disappearence of Rick Grimes.


Six years after Rick Grimes' presumed death, bows and spears are more common weapons than guns and are used extensively against both walkers and human enemies. Carol in particular prefers the bow and arrow.

After moving to the Commonwealth, Carol and many other former Coalition soldiers stop using their old weapons with Carol even briefly using one of the Commonwealth's AR-15s. However, as the Commonwealth and the Coalition prepare to go their separate ways, Carol resumes carrying her bow and arrow again. Breaking into the Commonwealth Jail, Carol uses an arrow to wound a Commonwealth soldier in the leg before taking his gun. When Lance Hornsby turns a gun on Daryl and Carol, Carol kills Lance with an arrow to the neck. As neither Daryl nor Carol bother to destroy his brain, Lance later reanimates and joins the herd that overruns the Commonwealth. When the zombified Lance arrives at the gates of the Estates, he still has Carol's arrow sticking out of his neck.

Killed Victims[]

The following is a list of victims killed with Carol's Bow and Arrow:

