The following are characters who are considered one-off, referring to their single appearance in an episode or issue, not including corpse, photographic appearances, or archive footage.
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All items (1243)
- A.J. Ford (TV Series)
- Aaron (2000)
- Abuela (TV Series)
- Ada Johnson (Fear)
- Adam Gould (Fear)
- Adrian (Fear)
- Adrienne (Fear)
- Adult Administrator (World Beyond)
- Aiden Carroll (Survival Instinct)
- Ainsley (TV Series)
- Alan (Fear)
- Alan (Overkill)
- Albert Lee (Survival Instinct)
- Alek (TV Series)
- Alex (Novel Series)
- Alexa Park (TV Series)
- Alexandria Resident (Sandbox)
- Alexandria Resident 10 (TV Series)
- Alexandria Resident 6 (TV Series)
- Ali (Fear)
- Alien (Solid Blood)
- Alma (Tales)
- Alonso Herrera (Fear)
- Alves (TV Series)
- Alyssa DeVries (Novel Series)
- Amanda (Tales)
- Amanda (TV Series)
- Amelia (TV Series)
- Amish Daughter (Clementine Series)
- Amish Father (Clementine Series)
- Amish Woman (Clementine Series)
- Amy (Tales)
- Amy's Group
- Ana (Fear)
- Ana (TV Series)
- Anderson (Fear)
- Andre Anthony (TV Series)
- Andre Mitchell (Telltale)
- Andrea (Sandbox)
- Andrea Grimes (2000)
- Andrea Grimes (Comic Series)
- Andrew St. John (Telltale)
- Andy (Comic Series)
- Angry Father (Tales)
- Anguished Mother (Tales)
- Anna Correa (Telltale)
- Annabelle's Father (Here's Negan)
- Annie (Telltale)
- Annie's Father (Comic Series)
- Anthony Keith (Comic Series)
- Antoine Spanic (Novel Series)
- Anton (TV Series)
- Aphid (TV Series)
- Appel (Something Bad)
- Appel (This Ain't It)
- Apple (Comic Series)
- April Martens (TV Series)
- Armand (Daryl Series)
- Arnaud (Tales)
- Arnold (Dead in the Water)
- Ash (Survival Instinct)
- Ashley (TV Series)
- Athena Mukherjee (Fear)
- Atlanta Husband (Tales)
- Atlanta Police Officer (Telltale)
- Atlanta Wife (Tales)
- Attila (TV Series)
- Ava (Fear)
- Ava's Husband (Fear)
- Ava's Mother (Fear)
- B. Everett (Telltale)
- Ballard (Radio Waves)
- Bar Attacker (Dead City)
- Barbara's Daughter (TV Series)
- Barnes (Small Bites)
- Barry (Negan Lives)
- Bart (Novel Series)
- Bartender (Dead City)
- Barton (Sandbox)
- Baseball Kid (Telltale)
- Bea (Fear)
- Beatrice (Telltale)
- Becca Ford (TV Series)
- Beckett (Fear)
- Bell (Dead in the Water)
- Ben (Fear)
- Ben (Walker)
- Benjamin (Comic Series)
- Benjiro (The Ones Who Live)
- Bernie (Comic Series)
- Bernie (TV Series)
- Bert (Daryl Series)
- Bertha (Telltale)
- Beta's Best Friend (TV Series)
- Beth (Telltale)
- Betsy (TV Series)
- Betts (World Beyond)
- Bicycle Girl (Comic Series)
- Big Tony (TV Series)
- Bill (Fear)
- Bill (Season 1)
- Bill (TV Series)
- Bill Jenkins (TV Series)
- Billy (Tales)
- Billy's Gang
- Black Hat Native 1 (Fear)
- Black Hat Native 2 (Fear)
- Bladesmith (Solid Blood)
- Blair Crawford (Tales)
- Bleeding Man (Fear)
- Bloodwraith (Solid Blood)
- Bloody Man (Fear)
- Bob (Overkill)
- Bonnie's Group
- Border Patrol Guard 2 (Passage)
- Boy (Small Bites)
- Boy (The Alien)
- Boy (TV Series)
- Brady (TV Series)
- Brandon (Fear)
- Breannah (Fear)
- Brenda St. John (Telltale)
- Brian (Hilltop)
- Brian (Tales)
- Brian Blake (Small Bites)
- Brian Blake (The Escapists)
- Brianna (TV Series)
- Broadcasting Woman (TV Series)
- Brody (Telltale)
- Broke Jaw Resident 1 (Fear)
- Broke Jaw Resident 2 (Fear)
- Broke Jaw Resident 3 (Fear)
- Broke Jaw Resident 4 (Fear)
- Brooke (Tales)
- Brother (Here's Negan)
- Buck (Survival Instinct)
- Buford (Telltale)
- Buraz 2 (Dead City)
- Buraz 4 (Dead City)
- Buraz 7 (Dead City)
- Buraz 8 (Dead City)
- Burlap Masked Man (Fear)
- Butch (Sandbox)
- Buttons (TV Series)
- Bystander (Fear)
- C.J. (The Althea Tapes)
- Cabin Intruder (Radio Waves)
- Caesar Martínez (The Escapists)
- Callison (Fear)
- Callum (Novel Series)
- Calvin Jasper (Fear)
- Cam (TV Series)
- Campus Student 3 (World Beyond)
- Cancer Support Group
- Candice Froder (World Beyond)
- Cape Breton Group
- Cape Breton Raider 2 (Clementine Series)
- Captain Commonwealth (TV Series)
- Car Crash Victim (Fear)
- Carl Grimes (Sandbox)
- Carla (TV Series)
- Carlos (Alexandria)
- Carlos Neri (Small Bites)
- Carol Grimes (Pilot)
- Carson (Sandbox)
- Carter (Small Bites)
- Carter (TV Series)
- Casper (TV Series)
- Cassie (Sandbox)
- Cassie's Group
- Castle (TV Series)
- Celeste (Commonwealth)
- Celeste (Season 10)
- Charlene Wilson (Survival Instinct)
- Charles (Fear)
- Charles (TV Series)
- Charles Stowe (Fear)
- Charlie (TV Series)
- Charlie Neri (Small Bites)
- Chauncey Everett (Tales)
- Chet (Telltale)
- Child Walker (TV Series)
- Choir Boy (Fear)
- Chow (Typhoon)
- Chris (Telltale)
- Chris (TV Series)
- Chris Brian (Survival Instinct)