This is a list of all the Season 3 characters in The Walking Dead.
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- Background Survivors (Fear)/Black Hat Reservation
- Background Survivors (Fear)/Broke Jaw Ranch
- Background Survivors (Telltale)/New Richmond
- Background Survivors (TV Series)/Woodbury
- Badger (Telltale)
- Barry Peterson (Telltale)
- Baseball Kid (Telltale)
- Ben (TV Series)
- Beth Greene (TV Series)
- Betty Coleman (TV Series)
- Big Tiny (TV Series)
- Black Hat Native 1 (Fear)
- Black Hat Native 2 (Fear)
- Blake Sarno (Fear)
- Bloody Man (Fear)
- Bob (Fear)
- Bob (Telltale)
- Bob Adams (TV Series)
- Brady (TV Series)
- Brady's Group
- Broke Jaw Resident 1 (Fear)
- Broke Jaw Resident 2 (Fear)
- Broke Jaw Resident 3 (Fear)
- Bruce (Fear)
- Cabin Group
- Caesar Martinez (TV Series)
- Carl Grimes (TV Series)
- Carol Peletier (TV Universe)
- Charlene Daley (Fear)
- Chris (Telltale)
- Christine (Fear)
- Clementine (Telltale)
- Clinton (Fear)
- Clinton Barnes (Telltale)
- Conrad (Telltale)
- Cooper (Fear)
- Crowd Woman (Fear)
- Crowley (TV Series)
- Customer 2 (Fear)
- J.C. (Fear)
- Jacqui (TV Series)
- Jaime (Telltale)
- Jake Otto (Fear)
- Jane (Fear)
- Jane (Telltale)
- Javier García (Telltale)
- Javier's Group
- Jeremiah Otto (Fear)
- Jerry (Fear)
- Jerry (The Suicide King)
- Jim (TV Series)
- Jimmie (Fear)
- Joan (Telltale)
- Jody (TV Series)
- John Hogan (Fear)
- Johnny (Fear)
- Joseph (Fear)
- José (Fear)
- Judith Grimes (TV Universe)
- Judith Mueller (TV Series)
- Madison Clark (Fear)
- Madison's Group
- Maggie Rhee (TV Universe)
- Maria Lu (Fear)
- Mariana García (Telltale)
- Marta (Fear)
- Martha Brown (Fear)
- Max (Telltale)
- Mean Guard (TV Series)
- Merle Dixon (TV Series)
- Mexican Baby (TV Series)
- Mexican Boy (TV Series)
- Mexican Captive (Fear)
- Mexican Man (TV Series)
- Mexican Woman (TV Series)
- Michael Coleman (TV Series)
- Michael Coleman Jr. (TV Series)
- Michonne Grimes (TV Universe)
- Michonne's Group (TV Series)
- Mike (TV Series)
- Mike Trimbol (Fear)
- Milton Mamet (TV Series)
- Morgan Jones (TV Universe)
- Mr. Jacobson (TV Series)
- Mr. Richards (TV Series)
- Mr. Walker (Fear)
- Mrs. Blake (TV Series)
- Mrs. Dixon (TV Series)
- Mrs. Foster (TV Series)
- Mrs. García (Telltale)
- Mrs. Richards (TV Series)
- Mrs. Twomey (Fear)
- Ms. McLeod (TV Series)
- National Guardsman 1 (TV Series)
- National Guardsman 2 (TV Series)
- National Guardsman 3 (TV Series)
- National Guardsman 4 (TV Series)
- National Guardsman 5 (TV Series)
- National Guardsman 6 (TV Series)
- New Frontier Bandit 1 (Telltale)
- New Frontier Bandit 2 (Telltale)
- New Frontier Bandit 3 (Telltale)
- New Frontier Bandit 4 (Telltale)
- New Frontier Bandit 5 (Telltale)
- New Frontier Bandit 6 (Telltale)
- New Frontier Guard 1 (Telltale)
- New Frontier Guard 2 (Telltale)
- New Frontier Guard 3 (Telltale)
- New Frontier Guard 4 (Telltale)
- New Frontier Guard 5 (Telltale)
- New Frontier Guard 6 (Telltale)
- New Frontier Guard 7 (Telltale)
- New Frontier Guard 8 (Telltale)
- Nicholas Clark (Fear)
- Noah (Woodbury)
- Notable Zombies (Telltale)
- Notable Zombies (TV Series)