The following is a list of all characters that have not been seen within The Walking Dead franchise.
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- Aaron (All-Stars)
- Abbot (All-Stars)
- Abigail (Telltale)
- Abromowitz (Survival Instinct)
- Ada's Father (Fear)
- Adam (Telltale)
- Adam (TV Series)
- Aditya Kapoor (Comic Series)
- Aidan's Boss (Overkill)
- AJ (Saints & Sinners)
- Albert (Novel Series)
- Alex (No Man's Land)
- Alex (Telltale)
- Alex Cooper (Comic Series)
- Alexa (Fear)
- Alexander Davidson (Comic Series)
- Alexandria Resident 1 (All-Stars)
- Alexandria Resident 2 (All-Stars)
- Alexandria Resident 3 (All-Stars)
- Alexandria Resident 4 (All-Stars)
- Alexandria Resident 5 (All-Stars)
- Alexandria Resident 6 (All-Stars)
- Alexsander (Match 3 Tales)
- Alfred (Telltale)
- Alice (Stalker)
- Alice Burnside (Novel Series)
- Alicia Hamilton (Novel Series)
- Alison (Fear)
- Alvaro Duarte (Last Mile)
- Amanda (All-Stars)
- Amanda Wright (Last Mile)
- Amber (March to War)
- Amira's Father (March to War)
- Amira's Friend (March to War)
- Amira's Mother (March to War)
- Amos (Dead City)
- Amy (All-Stars)
- Amy (Social Game)
- Andre Anthony (Destinies)
- Andrea Grimes (A New World)
- Andy (Alexandria)
- Andy (Hilltop)
- Andy (March to War)
- Angelo (Webisodes)
- Angie's Daughter (No Man's Land)
- Anita Machado (Novel Series)
- Anna (House Of Memories)
- Anna (Overkill)
- Anna (The Reason)
- Annabelle (Here's Negan)
- Annette Greene (Destinies)
- Announcer Woman (Telltale)
- Anthony (All-Stars)
- Antonio Villanueva (Last Mile)
- Apple Pear (Survivors)
- Arik Ceus (Match 3 Tales)
- Arnold (Comic Series)
- Arnold Greene (All-Stars)
- Assistant (The Alien)
- Astrid (All-Stars)
- Asyl Resident 1 (All-Stars)
- Asyl Resident 2 (All-Stars)
- Asyl Resident 3 (All-Stars)
- Asyl Resident 4 (All-Stars)
- Asyl Resident 5 (All-Stars)
- Aubrey (Comic Series)
- Austin (Pathways)
- Baby (All-Stars)
- Bachman (Road to Survival)
- Ballard (Radio Waves)
- Balthazar Muriega (Last Mile)
- Barnes (Comic Series)
- Barnstormer (No Man's Land)
- Barry Gooden (Novel Series)
- Bart (Telltale)
- Bea Armstrong (Dead City)
- Beanie (Road to Survival)
- Ben (Small Bites)
- Ben (Survivors)
- Benelli (Fear)
- Benjamin Hunter (Last Mile)
- Bergeron (Daryl Series)
- Bernard Brill (Saints & Sinners)
- Bernie (Match 3 Tales)
- Beth (Comic Series)
- Beth Ford (All-Stars)
- Beth Ford (Comic Series)
- Beth Ford (Match 3 Tales)
- Beth McLevel (Fear)
- Betsy D'Angelo (Fear)
- Betsy Orson (Comic Series)
- Beyer (TV Game)
- Bill (The Secret Diary of a Walker)
- Bill (TV Series)
- Bill McNeill (Fear)
- Billy (Pathways)
- Billy (Saints & Sinners)
- Billy (Survivors)
- Billy (The Reason)
- Billy Greene (All-Stars)
- Blake (All-Stars)
- Bob Adams (TV Series)
- Bob Stookey (Match 3 Tales)
- Bobby (What We Become)
- Bobby McCullam (Novel Series)
- Bonnie (Hunter's Story)
- Bootlegger (No Man's Land)
- Boy (All-Stars)
- Boyle (Bridge Constructor)
- Boyle (Novel Series)
- Braff (Typhoon)
- Braulio Santos (Last Mile)
- Breckon (Telltale)
- Brenda Stookey (Novel Series)
- Brian Heriot (TV Series)
- Bruce (Fear)
- Buck Caul (Novel Series)
- Bucky (All-Stars)
- Bud Blake (Novel Series)
- Burglar (Telltale)
- Báibái (Typhoon)
- Cabin Intruder (Radio Waves)
- Caesar Martínez (All-Stars)
- Caleb (Priya's Story)
- Caleb Wright (Last Mile)
- Calvin (Overkill)
- Calvin Donlevy (Novel Series)
- Cannibal 1 (All-Stars)
- Cannibal 2 (All-Stars)
- Cannibal 3 (All-Stars)
- Cannibal 4 (All-Stars)
- Cannibal 5 (All-Stars)
- Cannibal 6 (All-Stars)
- Cannibal 7 (All-Stars)
- Captain (No Man's Land)
- Cara Leone (Novel Series)
- Cariok (Match 3 Tales)
- Carla (All-Stars)
- Carlito (TV Series)
- Carmen (Saints & Sinners)
- Carson (Invitation)
- Carson One (Alone, Together)
- Carson Two (Alone, Together)
- Carter (Comic Series)
- Catrina (Fear)
- Charles (All-Stars)
- Charles Orson (Comic Series)
- Charlie (Clementine Series)
- Chaser (TV Series)
- Chen (Butcher)
- Chester (All-Stars)
- Chris (Overkill)
- Christina Haben (All-Stars)
- Chuck (TV Series)
- Cindy (Jeff's Story)
- Cindy (Maybe, Just Maybe)
- Cindy Drake (TV Series)
- Cindy's Father (All-Stars)
- Cindy's Mother (All-Stars)
- Civic Republic Council
- Claire (Social Game)
- Clark (Novel Series)
- Clayton (Road to Survival)
- Clementine (Fear)
- Cleveland Group
- Coco (Road to Survival)
- Codger (TV Series)
- Commonwealth Resident 1 (All-Stars)
- Commonwealth Resident 2 (All-Stars)
- Commonwealth Soldier 1 (All-Stars)
- Connie (Match 3 Tales)
- Connor (March to War)
- Conspiracy Theorist (Radio Waves)
- Constance (Road to Survival)
- Cook (All-Stars)
- Cooper (TV Series)
- Corporal (All-Stars)
- Craftsman (No Man's Land)
- Crighton Wilton (TV Series)
- Cristian (All-Stars)
- Cross (All-Stars)
- Crystal Sinclair (The Althea Tapes)
- Cutler (All-Stars)
- Cynthia (TV Series)
- Cyrus (Saints & Sinners)