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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

"Chemist" (real name unknown) is a survivor of the outbreak who appears in The Walking Dead: All-Stars.


Location Unknown[]

Nothing is known about the Chemist's life prior to or as the outbreak began.


Chemist's Story - Something Precious[]

Miles goes to bring the Chemist some food. Darren, a new recruit, follows Miles and asks about the Chemist and why he never eats with anyone. Outside his office, Darren kicks Luna, The Chemist's cat. The Lab doors open and Darren rushes in. Despite Miles telling Darren to get out of there, he ignores him. Miles let's him be, not wanting any part of what comes next. The Chemist confronts Darren and tells him that he kicked his cat and that he'll be killed for that. The Chemist pumps some toxic gases into the room, which slowly kill Darren. Chemist stabs Dared in the head after he's been killed before opening the windows and sees that Luna is safe and sound outside.

Chemist & Crane's Story - Suspicious Gas[]

The Chemist approaches Crane to sell him some of his gases that he makes. Crane is only interested in smoke bombs. Chemist, having just made some tea, offer it to Crane but he refuses. Chemist then goes on to show off some of his other gases, allowing Crane to smell test some of them. Chemist was also offended that Crane hadn't drank his tea. Eventually Chemist did give some gas to crane and left. Crane tested out the gas, only to find out it was tear gas and vowed to kill the Chemist for this.

It's unknown if they were present during Crane and David's infiltration of the State University of New York at Buffalo where they killed every raider that was living there. Regardless if he was present during the attack or not, he eventually made his way to Asyl and joined them.

Survival Records - Unplanned Camping Trip[]

A group consisting of Chemist, Sarah, R, Eva, and Gunther regroup in the forest after having been ambushed by The Raiders. They lament Gabe's death before coming up with a plan of what they should do next. The group decides to camp out in the forest for the night. R and Eva split off from the rest of the group to look for mushrooms so that R can make mushroom soup for them. Eva comments how she's still not used to seeing people die around her, something that R can relate too. After finding enough mushrooms, the pair heads back to the camp so that the soup can be made. Sarah notices that R refuses to eat the mushroom soup, to which R responds with saying how he learned to make the soup from a Cook who was in his former group, but he can't eat it anymore since it reminds him of the man who had died shortly after teaching him how to make the soup. R then states that he'll keep watch for the night while the rest of the group rests up.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims the Chemist has killed:


  • Despite their similar names, this is a separate character from the Boss Chemist.
  • He is one of four playable characters whose real name is unknown.
    • The other playable characters whose real name is unknown are Guide, R, and Stalker.