This Commonwealth resident is a survivor of the outbreak in AMC's The Walking Dead. He is a resident of the Commonwealth.
Location Unknown[]
Nothing is known about this man's life prior to or as the outbreak began.
At some point during the outbreak, this man joined a community in Ohio.
Season 11[]
"New Haunts"[]
This man works as an entertainer at the haunted maze in front of Union Station during the Halloween festivities. Dressed as a walker, he would emerge from a doorway at the end of a hallway in an attempt to scare guests as they made their way through the attraction. When R.J. began to get a little nervous at the walker-dressed entertainer as he made his way towards his group, Daryl raises his hand and tells the man "that's enough", to which the entertainer stops his act and apologizes, smiling at Judith and patting R.J.'s head as they exit the attraction.
"Rest in Peace"[]
With the city breached and many civilians killed as reported by Colonel Vickers and the screams heard throughout the invasion, this man's fate is left unknown. It is possible he was let into the Estates with the crowd of terrified citizens or was rescued later on elsewhere in the city, or was killed by the undead.
Killed Victims[]
This list shows the victims this man has killed:
- Possibly numerous counts of zombies
TV Series[]
Season 11[]
- This character is credited as Walker in "New Haunts".