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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

This Commonwealth soldier is a survivor of the outbreak in AMC's The Walking Dead. She is a resident of the Commonwealth who serves as a soldier for the Commonwealth Army.


Location Unknown[]

Nothing is known about this woman's life prior to or as the outbreak began.



At some point during the outbreak, this woman joined a community in Ohio.

Season 11[]

"Outpost 22"[]

Trooper 301 is one of the Commonwealth soldiers guarding the supply train. The train arrives at Junction 7 where Trooper 192 emerges and puts down a walker before trying to move the junction switch which is stuck. Wilson attempts to let Outpost 22 know that they have a stuck junction switch and that it will take a few minutes to dislodge it, but he receives no response as Trooper 192 puts down another walker that emerges from the woods. Entering the cab, Maggie orders Wilson to put down the radio at gunpoint. Daryl and Carol sneak along the side of the train, putting down an approaching walker before ducking as an annoyed Jones asks his fellow soldier how hard it can be and Trooper 192 challenges him to come over so he can show Jones. Spotting a herd emerging from the woods and coming down the tracks, Jones orders Trooper 301 and Trooper 263 to cover the woods and the flank respectively.

Daryl and Carol crawl under the train as Jones jumps off the side, puts down a walker and goes to join Trooper 192 at the junction switch. In the woods, Trooper 301 finishes clearing the woods of walkers and calls in that the woods are cleared and she's heading back. Rosita and Gabriel ambush the soldier, disarming and killing her quietly so as not to draw notice from the other soldiers.

Later, Rosita poses as Trooper 301 over the train's long-range radio, claiming to be the only survivor of the ambush who needs directions to Outpost 22. The ruse works and the friendly soldier on the other end reveals that Outpost 22 is actually a renamed Alexandria.


Killed By

After cornering this woman, Rosita and Gabriel kill her.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims this woman has killed:

  • Numerous counts of zombies and possibly unnamed people


TV Series[]

Season 11[]


  • This character is credited as Trooper 301 in "Outpost 22".