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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki
This article is about the TV Series character. You may be looking for his Comic Series counterpart.

This Commonwealth soldier is a survivor of the outbreak in AMC's The Walking Dead. He is a resident of the Commonwealth who serves as a soldier and interrogator for the Commonwealth Army.


Location Unknown[]

Nothing is known about this man's life prior to or as the outbreak began.



At some point during the outbreak, this man joined a community in Ohio.

Season 10[]

"A Certain Doom"[]

This man appears at the Southern Train Yard where Eugene, Ezekiel, Yumiko, and Juanita are waiting for Stephanie. He and other members of the Commonwealth Army rush in pointing their weapons at them, demanding them to put their hands in the air and drop their weapons.


This man serves as the commander of the Commonwealth soldiers dispatched to the Southern Train Yard. He and his fellow soldiers proceed to take Eugene's group into custody, splitting them up into train cars. Later that day, he interrogates Juanita in an old shower room, continuously ignoring her questions by asking his own about her and her group. Not getting any answers from Juanita, he grows frustrated and eventually smacks her across the face after she gets agitated, calling her a "bitch". At that point, the interrogation ends and Juanita is brought back to her holding cell by another soldier.

Season 11[]

"Rest in Peace"[]

With the city breached and many soldiers killed as reported by Colonel Vickers and the screams heard throughout the invasion, this soldier's fate is left unknown. It is possible he was among the Commonwealth soldiers gathered at the Estates or was rescued later on elsewhere in the city, or was killed by the undead, if he was not already killed in the various events that left several Commonwealth soldiers dead in the months before the breach.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims this man has killed:

  • Possibly numerous counts of zombies and unnamed people


TV Series[]

Season 10[]


  • This character is credited as Interrogation Trooper in "Splinter".

Other Actors[]

International Dubbers
Language Dubber Other Characters Voiced
Czech N/A N/A
French N/A N/A
German Christopher Groß N/A
Hungarian N/A N/A
Italian N/A N/A
Japanese N/A N/A
Portuguese N/A N/A
Spanish (Latin America) N/A N/A
Spanish (Spain) N/A N/A