This Commonwealth soldier is an antagonist and a survivor of the outbreak in AMC's The Walking Dead. He is a resident of the Commonwealth who serves as a soldier for the Commonwealth Army.
Location Unknown[]
Nothing is known about this man's life prior to or as the outbreak began.
At some point during the outbreak, this man joined a community in Ohio.
Season 11[]
"No Other Way"[]
In a flash forward, this soldier and the rest of his squadron are gathered outside Hilltop's gates as Daryl speaks with Maggie and Elijah.
This man is one of the sixteen soldiers accompanying Lance Hornsby as he investigates the events that took place at Riverbend. He and the rest of the squad arrive at Hilltop and eventually granted entry inside to search the town for the stolen Commonwealth weapons. After no weapons are found and an intense confrontation between the Rhees and Lance, this man and the other Commonwealth soldiers eventually leave Hilltop with their boss. That night, he and the others encounter Leah in the woods where Lance strikes up a deal with the lone Reaper.
"Acts of God"[]
As the squadron of soldiers are split up into smaller groups, this soldier is assigned to Lance's group. He helps five of his fellow soldiers prepare to hunt Maggie down in Hilltop under Leah's leadership. After an explosion rips through the Barrington House, this soldier arrives at Hilltop with Lance to assess the damage. He and several soldiers investigate the aftermath inside the Barrington House and search for survivors. He proceeds outside and reports the casualties to Lance, who grows enraged at Leah's actions and the further loss of his men. The soldier attempts to console Lance by letting him know that he has other soldiers fanning out in a 20-mile perimeter in search of the Riverbenders and Hilltoppers. The next morning, he accompanies Lance and other soldiers through the woods. They track Leah to a cabin where Daryl is already inside freeing Maggie before he fires a shot at Lance, alerting the soldier to their presence. He and the others open fire as Daryl and Maggie flee. When an angry and injured Lance storms towards the house, the soldier orders the others to hold their fire as he follows behind Lance into the house where they find Leah dead.
"Rest in Peace"[]
With the city breached and many soldiers killed as reported by Colonel Vickers and the screams heard throughout the invasion, this soldier's fate is left unknown. It is possible he was among the Commonwealth soldiers gathered at the Estates or was rescued later on elsewhere in the city, or was killed by the undead, if he was not already killed in the various events that left several Commonwealth soldiers dead in the months before the breach.
Killed Victims[]
This list shows the victims this man has killed:
- 1 unnamed Commonwealth soldier (Zombified)
- Numerous counts of zombies and possibly unnamed people
TV Series[]
Season 11[]
- "No Other Way" (No Lines)
- "Trust" (No Lines)
- "Acts of God"