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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

Curt is a survivor of the outbreak in The Walking Dead: All-Stars.


Location Unknown[]

Nothing is known about Frank's life prior to or as the outbreak began.


Rajesh's Story - Value of Life[]

Curt orders Rajesh to save Frank who was shot after an ambush. Rajesh orders everyone to get him as much medical equipment as they can spare, much to Curt's chagrin seeing it as unnecessary. Rajesh says that he needs all those supplies if Curt wants Frank to live. After getting what he needs and telling everyone to leave. Curt does so furiously, threatening to kill him if Frank dies.

The Raiders eventually find the zombified Frank and put him down.

It's unknown if they were present during Crane and David's infiltration of the State University of New York at Buffalo where they killed every raider that was living there. Regardless he managed to escape and eventually established a community at the Niagara Falls International Airport where he promptly went to war against the Grand Island Community, the Niagara Falls Community, and the Construction Site Community, which eventually led to a bigger war against Asyl. Eventually however, he surrendered to them and agreed to join the Western New York Alliance in order to reclaim Buffalo.

Chapter 40 - Talks[]

The Asyl Scouting Groups make it inside the airport and notice that several areas have been blocked off by luggage, thus sensing that they may be attacked soon. Their fears are justified when Curt and his group comes out and asks them what they are doing inside the airport. Eric tells him that they are looking to resolve the issue at hand in a peaceful way so that no one dies; however, Curt refuses to believe him and orders his Raiders to kill all the intruders. Despite this, the intruders are able to hold their ground. Eventually Curt calls off the attack and decides to start an uneasy alliance with his former enemies, much to his chagrin.

Chapter 55 - Opinions[]

The scouting group eventually reaches their destination where they meet with the Niagara Falls Community Leader, Curt, and the Construction Site Community Leader. They trade their supplies and discuss the plan to reclaim Buffalo. The three leaders also discuss their concerns about a group of raiders from up north that know about the plan to reclaim the city and how they want to stop it, hinting how they've already killed members of each community. Kingston understands their concerns and states that he will discuss how they move forward after he talks with his people back at Asyl.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims Curt has killed:


  • Curt is one of four named character who doesn't have their own distinct character model.
  • Curt is one of thirteen All-Stars characters to have initially been introduced in a character's backstory to later physically appear in the game.