Walking Dead Wiki

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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

The DShK 1938 (ДШК, for Дегтярёва-Шпагина Крупнокалиберный, Degtyaryova-Shpagina Krupnokaliberny, 'Degtyaryov-Shpagin Large-Calibre') is a Soviet heavy machine gun firing the 12.7×108mm cartridge. The weapon was also used as a heavy infantry machine gun, in which case it was frequently deployed with a two-wheeled mounting and a single-sheet armour-plate shield. It took its name from the weapons designers Vasily Degtyaryov, who designed the original weapon, and Georgi Shpagin, who improved the cartridge feed mechanism. It is sometimes nicknamed Dushka (lit. "Sweetie", "Dear"), from the abbreviation.


  • This machine gun is a Soviet weapon, making it unlikely that American troops would possess such a weapon as depicted in the abandoned base outside the CDC in "Wildfire".


TV Series[]

Season 1[]

800px-WD1 "Wildfire" The DHsK can be seen mounted behind a wall of sandbags while the survivors walk towards the Center for Disease Control.

