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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

Where'd you get this? Where'd you get this?! (...) Don't you lie to me! Oh, my God. You killed Cameron, didn't you?
John Dorie discovers the truth.[src]

Dakota's Knife is a small knife used by Dakota as one of her primary weapons. It has a chip in the wooden handle.


Due to Cameron reporting on her method of escape to Virginia, Dakota murders him by slitting his throat. Somehow, a small piece of the wooden handle of her knife is broken off in the process and ends up embedded in Cameron's hand. It is later found by John Dorie, becoming his one clue in his murder investigation. John suggests to Victor Strand that it is a piece of a knife handle that had broken off while Cameron was trying to stop his killer. However, John's investigation is ended when Virginia frames and executes Janis for the crime in order to protect her daughter.

While searching through the dead walkers on the Route 185 Bridge for a truck part, Dakota is grabbed by one of them which isn't dead yet and she quickly puts it down with her knife. A panicked Dakota does her best to hide the knife from John, confusing him until he picks it up. Upon seeing the chipped handle, John recognizes it as the murder weapon used on Cameron and he realizes that Dakota is actually the killer. Dakota still has the knife on her when she later allows herself to be killed in a nuclear explosion.

After emerging from Teddy's Secret Bunker, John Dorie Sr. finds Dakota's knife on the ground next to a severely-burned walker and he instantly recognizes it as belonging to Dakota. As a result, John realizes that the walker is actually a zombified Dakota herself. John sorrowfully uses Dakota's knife to put down its owner and leaves it stuck in her head. However, with a small herd later closing in on him during a fight with three Stalkers, John retrieves the knife and he uses it to put down the attacking walkers.

It is unknown if John subsequently discarded Dakota's knife or if he kept it for himself. However, it is never seen again before John's death, suggesting that he most likely discarded it.

Killed Victims[]
