Walking Dead Wiki

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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

"Days Gone Bye" is the first episode of The Walking Dead: Destinies and the first part of "Welcome to the Apocalypse".


After the fall, Rick Grimes wakes up inside Harrison Memorial Hospital to find it run-down and abandoned. He hobbles his way to the nurse's office, where he finds some painkillers, which instantly heal him. Afterwards, he finds a boarded up door which reads "Don't Open, Dead Inside", as a bunch of decayed hands stick their hands through. Rick quickly puts together that things aren't quite right and sneaks through the hospital, around the undead individuals.



  • None


  • First appearance of Rick Grimes.
  • This episode has the fewest named characters in the game.

TV Parallels[]

  • Rick waking up from a coma in an abandoned hospital is adapted from "Days Gone Bye".
  • Rick finding the boarded up door that reads "Don't Open, Dead Inside", as zombies stick their hands through is adapted from "Days Gone Bye".
  • Rick leaving the hospital and heading back to King County is adapted from "Days Gone Bye".