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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki
This article is about the World Beyond character. For other pages with the same name, see: Diane

Destination and reason for departure? (...) Staff Sergeant Mallick, Corporal Pierce. After you left I was transferred here to assume your responsibilities. I work closely with Lieutenant Colonel, she's an inspiration.
―Diane to Huck.[src]

Diane Pierce is a survivor of the outbreak in AMC's The Walking Dead: World Beyond. She is a member of the Civic Republic Military.


Diane is described as "a smart, driven soldier who commands the respect of someone in a much higher position of authority."[1] She is a very prominent figure within the CRM and is extremely loyal. However, unlike many high-ranking members, she doesn't seem to be a brutal or hostile individual, and often treats the Endlings with respect.


Location Unknown[]

Nothing is known about Diane's life prior to or as the outbreak began.


At some point, Diane became the corporal of a large organization known as Civic Republic Military. After Jennifer Mallick was sent on a two year assignment, Pierce was transferred to the Civic Republic Research Facility to assume Jennifer's duties.

Season 2[]

"Exit Wounds"[]

Corporal Diane Pierce is on duty at one of the gates at the Civic Republic Research Facility. As Staff Sergeant Jennifer Mallick attempts to leave the base with Hope hidden in her vehicle, Diane carefully inspects the paperwork presented by Jennifer and does a brief check of the vehicle. She also makes some comments to Jennifer regarding her mother and her praise and admiration for her. She watches Jennifer drive away after she is cleared to do so, with a very faint smug look on her face.


Reading a report, Elizabeth Kublek observes Iris, Felix and Percy pacing around the research facility's holding area from a surveillance room. Elizabeth asks Diane if Indira said that she found them the day before and Diane confirms that Indira's story checks out with theirs. Elizabeth notes that there's no apparent inconsistencies in their stories and orders Diane to send for Huck and Diane leaves.

Diane finds Huck in her mother's office and informs Huck that Elizabeth is looking for her and Huck follows Diane out.

As Diane enters the surveillance room, Elizabeth asks if Huck wouldn't agree that trust is everything between people and, when she agrees, Elizabeth reveals that Diane said that she found Huck in Elizabeth's office. Huck simply states that she was curious if her mother had lunch plans and, smiling, Elizabeth asks if she does now.

Diane later leads a squad of CRM soldiers that apprehends Silas Plaskett at the Detritus Service Terminal.

"Who Are You?"[]

In a flashback, Leo, Lyla, Will, Romano, Samuel Abbott, Dr. Ebersol, two other scientists and a squad of CRM soldiers led by Diane run through the woods, fleeing a small herd. However, the soldiers, Will and Romano are able to put all of the nearby empties down. Leo jokes that it's just another day at the office while Diane apologizes, stating that a small herd they'd been tracking had dipped south a little too close for comfort. Diane tells the scientists that they'll wait it out there for a few minutes until the CRM's disruption charges turn the empties around. Will warns that the charges might draw more empties from the south and he leaves with Romano to scout it out. Diane appears to follow the two, leaving her men to guard the scientists.

"Returning Point"[]

After Brody arrives at the research facility with information about the betrayal of Indira and her people, Diane stands outside of Jadis' office interrogating him. Diane enters with the update that Jadis had requested on the server and the two women depart, leaving Huck alone with Brody.

After hearing a gunshot from Huck killing Brody, Diane reenters the office with Jadis and two of her men, but Jadis dismisses them.

After the escape of the Endlings and the scientists into the mining tunnels, Jadis dispatches Diane to station soldiers at every tunnel exit so that when the group emerges, the CRM will be ready. With her fireteams in position, Diane asks Jadis for the rules of engagement and Jadis rescinds all arrest protocols and orders Diane and her fireteams to shoot to kill if they see the Bennetts or any of the scientists.

"Death and the Dead"[]

In the aftermath of a series of explosions in the mining tunnels, Jadis attempts to contact her fireteams for a report. Diane reports that there have been explosions in tunnels 1 through 5, that they walked into a trap, and she has lost contact with the fireteams.

Later, Diane joins Jadis and Huck and reveals that the western checkpoint has just called in a Code 6. There's a thousand empties incoming from the south southwest and they are only minutes away from a full breach. While it would've been spotted long before, the western patrols had been redirected to the tunnels and killed in the explosions. Looking out of the office window with a pair of binoculars at the approaching herd, Jadis orders Diane to divert them with disruption charges and to send all available teams to the western gates. If the CRM can't hold the line, they could lose everything.

Continuing to watch the herd outside, Jadis asks for a status update from Diane. Diane tells her that security checkpoints 3 and 4 have been breached and that teams are trying to clear a path to the helicopters for the disruption charges, but there's just too many. Calling this crazy, Huck begins to leave to suit up and help hold the line. However, Jadis stops her and orders Diane to ready the jeep. Jadis tells Huck that she's staying with her as there's business here left to resolve.

After the CRM retreats from the overrun research facility, Diane is at the CRM basecamp and leaves the command tent as Jadis contacts Major General Beale.

"The Last Light"[]

At the CRM basecamp, Diane reports to Jadis who has already heard that they've resecured access to the helicopters. Jadis asks how long it will be until they can have them in the air and dropping disruption charges on the herd and Diane tells her that it will be within the hour. Jadis is pleased as this will free up more teams to hunt down and secure the CRM's missing scientists who need to be found.

Jadis orders Diane to have a dozen vehicles fan out in an eight-mile radius to jam all frequencies until sundown. Diane realizes that Jadis thinks that the Endlings are still using comms, but warns her that doing so will interfere with their own communications. Jadis acknowledges that it's a calculated risk, but it's the best way to stop their insurgents in their tracks. Diane asks about the impact on their current operation, but Jadis tells her that helicopters from the Civic Republic will be at the culling facility in four hours to airlift the Chlorine Gas to Portland and Jadis intends to have everything wrapped up by then.

A short time later, Diane returns with the news that the C4 that the Endlings used to cave in the mining tunnels appears to have been older M112s. An alarmed Jadis realizes that this is the kind of C4 that was designated for the culling facilities which Diane confirms. Jadis orders Diane to ready her helicopter immediately, explaining that Huck's husband runs the culling facility where the gas has been moved to. Diane respectfully tells Jadis that they were as discreet as possible with the move, making the gas look like a standard supply transfer. However, Jadis simply reiterates her order to ready her helicopter and Diane leaves to comply.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims Diane has killed:

  • Numerous counts of zombies and possibly unnamed people





Episodes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Season 1
Season 2
Appears Voice is heard
👁 Appears with no lines Appears in a flashback
Appears as a walker 🖼 Appears in a photograph/video
Appears as a corpse Appears in a hallucination/dream


International Dubbers[]

Language Dubber Other Characters Voiced
Czech N/A N/A
French Sarah Barzyk Isabelle
German N/A N/A
Hungarian N/A N/A
Italian N/A N/A
Japanese N/A N/A
Portuguese N/A N/A
Spanish (Latin America) N/A N/A
Spanish (Spain) N/A N/A

