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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

Dr. Kleiner is a character mentioned in AMC's The Walking Dead. They are a resident of the Commonwealth.


Location Unknown[]

Nothing is known about Dr. Kleiner's life prior to or as the outbreak began.



At some point during the outbreak, Dr. Kleiner joined a community in Ohio.

Season 11[]

"A New Deal"[]

As Negan and Annie meet with a doctor during an ultrasound, the PA system calls for Dr. Kleiner to report to Unit 7 in the hospital.

"Rest in Peace"[]

While unseen, it was reported that all of the doctors and nurses, including Dr. Kleiner, were evacuated from the hospital and brought to the Estates as the undead swarmed the rest of the city.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims Dr. Kleiner has killed:

  • Possibly numerous counts of zombies


TV Series[]

Season 11[]
