Walking Dead Wiki

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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

Nick, you and your mom are gonna meet in private for a moment, okay?
―This woman to Nicholas.[src]

This drug counselor is a character in AMC's Fear the Walking Dead. She is a counselor at a drug rehabilitation facility, in which one of her patients is Nicholas Clark.


Los Angeles, California[]

This woman worked as a drug counselor at a rehab facility in Los Angeles. Nicholas Clark was one of her patients.

Season 2[]


This woman enters the waiting area with Madison to begin the meeting with Nick. As Nick approaches the women, she pulls Nick aside and lets him know that he will be meeting alone with his mother first to speak.


This woman's status and whereabouts following the outbreak are unknown.




Fear the Walking Dead[]

Season 2[]


  • While not having an official name, her actress named her character Anya Mitchell.[1]
    • She also speculates that she may have survived the early onset of the apocalypse.

