Walking Dead Wiki

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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

Dubbs (first name unknown) is an original character from Skydances' Aftershocks. He is mentioned in a note and later found as a zombie at Rampart High School.


Nothing is known about Dubbs' life before the apocalypse.


New Orleans, Louisiana[]

Nothing much is known about Dubbs, except that he was sent a letter by The Skinner, allowing him to join the Reclaimed. He is later found as a walker, and either killed by Tourist or be left alone

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims Mel has killed:


Saints & Sinners[]


  • In his note, he is happy with the crate's contents, but hopes for a "cigarette case every once in a while." Killing him as a zombie later drops a couple packs of cigarettes.
  • Dubbs is one of two characters introduced as zombies in Saints & Sinners, the other one being Rubin.