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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki
This article is about the All-Stars character. You may be looking for his Comic Series or TV Universe counterpart. For other pages with the same name, see: Dwight

Dwight is a survivor of the outbreak in The Walking Dead: All-Stars.


Location Unknown[]

Nothing is known about Dwight's life prior to or as the outbreak began.


Sherry's Story - Together[]

Dwight, Sherry, and Oliver search a house for supplies. In the house, Sherry finds some Christmas lights and is reminded of how Dwight proposed to her. Just as she's about to leave, she's captured by Negan and his Saviors where he introduces himself to the three.

Dwight's Story - Sympathetic Gesture[]

Dwight is hanging out in Sanctuary rec room with five other Saviors. One of the Saviors ask Dwight if he known anything about the new prisoners. Another Savior says that the two prisoners should be separated, yet another Savior says it won't matter as they'll be separated soon enough. Another Savior talks about how he's sick of there being so many "wives" as it's distracting him from his drinking, something that makes everyone laugh. He also hopes that Dwight doesn't mind the joke given his history with the system, but Dwight seemingly brushes off the comment. The last Savior talks about how he's on guard duty for the prisoners that night. Later that night, when the guarding savior is asleep, he grabs the keys to the cell and opens it up. He tells the two prisoners to follow him. One of the prisoners asks Dwight why he's doing this, but he doesn't answer, instead giving them directions to a nearby community. The other prisoner thanks Dwight and they both leave.

Beta & Dwight & Rosita's Story - Alone Time[]

Dwight is on a supply run with three saviors, one of them being Jonas. They track down a woman who's picking up mushrooms in hopes she'd lead them to her group. Suddenly the two unnamed Saviors fall in a trap hole with spikes in them while Jonas is killed with an arrow to the face. Dwight tries to hide and defend himself in the ambush. He finds a motorcycle and recognizes it as having belonged to Mendy who went missing with two other saviors two months prior. Dwight remembers how Negan was more angry about the mssing bikes than the missing men. Dwight manages to escape the ambush and reaches a fork in the road. He considers running away from The Saviors himself, but remembers how he can't leave Sherry and heads back home.

The Governor & Alpha & Negan's Story - Different But The Same[]

Negan and Dwight go to where a group of Saviors are, as they have just come across a new group. When they arrive however, they notice how there's been a battle and a grenade was thrown. Negan questions the Savior why he killed these people as "People Are A Resource". The Savior tells him that they attacked them first, killing Eddie and Delores in the process. Negan sees a survivor from the attack and proceeds to beat the man's head in with Lucille, much to Dwight's disapproval.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims Dwight has killed:

  • Numerous counts of zombies and unnamed people


  • There are some discrepancies between this version of Dwight and his comic book counterpart.
    • Unlike their comic counterpart who found Negan and let him join their group, Sherry, Dwight, and Oliver, who isn't a comic-based character, were instead found by him well after he had created the Saviors.
      • Furthermore, it implied that the leader of his Pre-Savior group is Sherry instead of himself.
    • There is no indication that this version of Dwight has died.
  • Dwight is one of six character to use a walker in battle.
    • The other five characters with this distinction are Brian Blake, R, Lydia, Beta, and Alpha.
    • When in battle, Dwight will dip his arrows into this walker's head so that he can infect his opponents. He can also throw this walker head in the air before shooting it. Afterwards, this walker's blood will rain down on any remaining opponents and infect them.