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Elodie's friend is a survivor of the outbreak in Image Comics' The Walking Dead. She is a resident of the Commonwealth.
Location Unknown[]
Nothing is known about this girl's life prior to or as the outbreak began. She may have lived in or near Ohio.
At some point during the outbreak, she became a resident of the Commonwealth.
The Rotten Core[]
This girl first seen having lunch with Elodie, Nancy, and one other friend. She tries to stop Nancy from telling Elodie about her mother's reputation.
Rest In Peace[]
This girl is seen when Pamela and Rick give their speeches. She later has lunch with Elodie, Nancy, and another friend when an explosion rocks the Commonwealth. She later arms herself with Elodie, Nancy, and a few other friends, preparing to fight in the revolution. When Michonne knocks on the door, she lets her in, but Elodie's mother immediately puts an end to their would-be-uprising, leaving them in awe. She later helps Michonne with killing the remaining roamers in the street.
This girl is not seen or mentioned in the 23 year time-skip, leaving her fate unknown.
Killed Victims[]
This shows the list of victims Elodie's friend has killed:
- Numerous counts of zombies