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Endo Miho (Miho Endo) is a survivor of the outbreak who appears in The Walking Dead: All-Stars.


Kyoto, Japan[]

Before the apocalypse, Miho and her family lived just outside of Kyoto, Japan. Despite this, she often went with her father and friend to the Kiyomizu Temple and it's surrounding areas in an effort to explore the city of Kyoto. She started training with a naginata and she was eventually good enough that she competed in and win many national tournaments, winning another naginata as a prize. Making her minor celebrity due to her success. Her parents were also close to getting divorced due to her mother had cheated on her father with a host club worker.Leading her to hate anyone in that line of work.


Miho's Story - Essentials[]

Miho watched her mansion burn down and thinks about everything she's lost to the apocalypse at this point. She thinks about how her parents died after having been eaten by the dead. She grabs her practice naginata and starts following the Kamo River until she encounters a man in a nearby hideout. The man offers her to stay with him, but has an uneasy feeling about him, she asks if he has food. The man quickly gives her food. Still feeling uneasy, she says she has a friend who's hiding in the nearby and asks if she can bring them. The man asks if it's a girl and she answers yes and goes to find her "friend", wanting to get away from the man as fast as possible given the over excited nature he asked the question. She eventually reaches the Kiyomizu Temple and starts looking for supplies before reminiscing about her life before.

Survival Records - Temple Stay[]

Eventually Miho encounters Ryohei and Kaori and forms a group with them. She and Ryohei go on a supply run to the nearby lake to see if they cought anything in their fishtraps. Towards the end of their run, Ryohei gives Miho a new naginata, and both comment how it's very rare. When Miho asks him where he got it, Ryohei says that one a prior run he found the Abbot, who had been devoured, and saw that he had this with him when he died. They both comment that he was an idiot as they told him several times to not leave the temple but that he didn't listen. The duo then head back to the temple.

Survival Records - A Shot In The Dark[]

Miho, Ryohei, and Kaori fend off the undead as they slowly invade the temple. The three make up a scheme where they lure as many of the dead into the temple as possible and blow it up with the fireworks laying around the temple while they escape to a safer location. Miho starts to get disillusioned however and begins to wonder why they should keep living and Ryohei tell her how he lost his fiance during the onset of the apocalypse and how he lives for her, promising that he'll do the same for Miho and Kaori if they were to die and that he hopes they'd do the same for him if he were to die. Although not fully convinced that she wants to live, this story reassures her to keep fighting for now.

Survival Records - Alone Again[]

Miho, Ryohei, and Kaori are about to escape the temple. Miho is the first one to climb down the side of the temple with a rope they acquired. She makes it to the bottom safely. Ryohei goes next; however, the rope snaps as he climbs down and he falls to his death. Leaving Kaori trapped inside the temple with no way of escape and is subsequently killed by the horde. Afterwards, she begins walking towards Sannenzaka. After the destination, she contemplates commiting suicide, but remembering the promise she made with Ryohei. Later on Souta's Group finds and approaches her.

Chapter 45 - Vantage Point[]

Souta and Aya attempt to leave the city of Kyoto and head for Nara. Along the way, they encounter Daichi, who helps them fend of a horde of walkers. Daichi joins the group and together they head towards the Kiyomizu Temple as it's on the way out of the city. Once they get there, the group encounters Miho, who survived temple's destruction. They invite her to join their group, and trek towards Nara. Miho graciously accepts their offer.

Chapter 46 - Journey[]

Souta's Group begins to make their further out of the Kyoto area, and progress towards Nara to look for supplies before heading off towards the coast. Halfway through the journey, they encounter a horde of walkers which forces them to abandon a good portion of their supplies. Eventually the group arrives at a tunnel, where they all tell each other that it's best to move on from Kyoto and stick with the the plan of Nara, it's unknown what happens to them after this.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims Miho has killed:
