Enid's father is a survivor of the outbreak in AMC's The Walking Dead. He is the husband of Enid's mother and the father of Enid.
Location Unknown[]
Nothing is known about this man's life prior to or as the outbreak began, exept that he had a wife and a daughter named Enid.
Season 6[]
Though not initially seen during a flashback sequence, he can be heard trying to figure out how to jumpstart a car with his wife while Enid was watching out for walkers. A group of walkers appeared in the distance and Enid warned her parents. Suddenly, another group of walkers emerged from behind a wall and took them by surprise. Enid is seen moments later inside of the aforementioned car, crying after fresh blood appeared on her window.
- Killed By
While Enid's father and his wife try to jump-start a car, several walkers take them by surprise and devour them.
Killed Victims[]
This list shows the victims this man has killed:
- Possibly numerous counts of zombies
TV Series[]
Season 6[]
- "JSS" (Flashback, Voice Only, Corpse)
- This character is credited as Father in "JSS".
- The actor also portrayed a Savior, and the Red Poncho Man.