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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki
This article is about the All-Stars character. For other pages with the same name, see: Eric

Eric is a survivor of the outbreak in The Walking Dead: All-Stars.


Location Unknown[]

Nothing is known about Eric's life prior to or as the outbreak began aside that he was married and had two children. He was also a firefighter.


Eric's Story[]

During the onset of the apocalypse, Eric and his firefighter company are stationed at a safe-zone; however, everyone from his company left to search for their families during the course of the day. Just as he was gonna go look for his family, he saves another family from certain doom. He eventually reaches his house and notices several supplies missing from his house. He eventually reaches Asyl and keeps hoping that he'll find his family one day.

Survival Records - Introductions[]

Eric and Zoey go on a run to the city which is nearby to scavenge for supplies. In the process, they come across Hailey who's trapped under a collapsed gas station. The duo eventually help ger her out and invite her to join their community. They also explain that "some European Guy" named that community Asyl before explaining more about their community and some of its members

Hailey's Story[]

Eric and Zoey find Hailey trapped in a collapsed Gas Station and rescue her. Afterwards, they offer her to join Asyl, which she does.

Chapter 1 - Side Road[]

Eric, Zoey, and Haley regroup after having defeated a horde of walkers.

Dispatch - Rescue Operation[]

Eric requests that he be sent with a scouting group to look through a nearby building with survivors to see if he should bring them in.

Chapter 2 - Skyscraper Tomb[]

Hailey, Zoey, Eric, and Sarah search Sarah's former workplace for supplies. Sarah comments how most of the dead is trapped in the building's ventilation system. Eventually, one of the vents that contains a large number of the dead falls from through the roof and they are forced to take care of it.

Chapter 3 - Beyond The Border[]

Eric, Hailey, and Zoey are on a bridge taking out walkers and trying to get through the city. Suddenly Hailey suggest they go to her old home as there should still be some weapons stored at her house.

Chapter 4 - Abandoned Relief Station[]

Eric, Hailey, Zoey, and Hudson scavenge for supplies at Sahlen Field. The group comments on the abundance of supplies left over and speculate on how the safe-zone fell. Eventually the group leaves with the majority of the supplies.

Chapter 5 - Downtown 1[]

Eric, Catherine, Zoey, and Hailey go into the city to scavenge for supplies. Eventually they reach Catherine's Gym and stock up on some left over supplies. Hailey comments how she's still not used to seeing the dead on the street while Catherine states that she rather be dead in the streets than come back as a walker.

Chapter 6 - Downtown 2[]

The same group try to get back to Asyl since the sun is starting to set. They all comment how the apocalypse happened so quickly and all the rumors that they heard during the onset. They eventually reach an area of the city that has been completely destroyed.

Chapter 7 - Medical Facility[]

Eric, Lake, Hailey, and Zoey go to a medical facility to look for supplies, which they are able to retrieve.

Lake's Story - A Shrewd Trick[]

Lake is on a run with Hailey and Eric and are attacked by a group of Raiders. One of the Raiders approaches a badly hurt Lake. The Raider tells his group members to investigate a nearby ambulance; however, Lake sets off some explosives thus killing the Raiders. Hailey and Eric kill all of the surviving Raiders and save Lake.

Chapter 8 - Bombsite[]

Eric, Zoey, Lake, Chloe, and Hailey make a plan to lure as much walkers away from them so that Chloe and Lake can set up explosives to kill the horde. After seeing how big the horde actually is, they decide to lure the horde towards The Cave so they can kill and/or trap as much of the dead as possible.

Gunther's Story - The Bigger Picture[]

Eric would often come by to the workshop to talk with Gunther and Leonard. When he needed something he'd always pay in cigarettes.

Survival Records - A Choice[]

Eric and Zoey go to a nearby store to scavenge for medical supplies. Eric talks about his desire to find his family. Eric also asks Zoey about Leo and if they were close before they arrived at Asyl. Zoey asks Eric why he assumes that they were close. Eric says that they were both wearing military fatigues when they were found and they were both together on the boat. Zoey apologizes for snapping and tells him the story of how she needed to kill Owen. They also talk about Hailey and debate on if she's ready for runs, with Zoey comparing her to this girl she once knew. Towards the end of their travels, the duo are attacked by Sarah who has been scavenging for supplies as well. The pair defeat Sarah but let her live. Eric invites Sarah to join their community, despite her just having attacked them. Zoey asks why is he does thing to which he replies that there is safety in numbers. Sarah agrees to join them, but not before Zoey warns her that if she attacks them again that she will kill her.

Survival Records - People From The Outskirts[]

Eric goes to meet Nia so that she can join Asyl. When she arrives, he is pleasantly surprised to see that she brought Diego and Sebastian along with them. When asking about their group, Diego states that they have 12 other people nearby. Eric states that he's never brought a group that large into Asyl and thus he needs to clear it with his group beforehand, but he doesn't think it'll be an issue as long as The Hunting Club does their work to support the community.

Susan's Story - Older & Wiser[]

Eva mentions how she was supposed to go on a supply run with Eric and Guide.

Chapter 10 - Park[]

Eric, Hailey, Sebastian, Max, and Mason are at Delaware Park scavenging for supplies.

Chapter 13 - Treasure Island[]

The Dispatch Manager talks to Eric, Hailey, and Zoey about a group of survivors who recently arrived to Asyl from the Bird Island Wastewater Treatment Plant. The Doctor takes a look at the group. Afterwards, they all discuss about how they should go to the island and get as much supplies from there as possible before The Raiders get to it.

Eric, Catherine, Hudson, Crane, Hailey, and Zoey go to the island to scavenge for any left over supplies while avoiding The Raiders.

Chapter 14 - Closed Border[]

The same group continues to scavenge the island for supplies until they reach a blown out bridge. They continue to scavenge, with Eric noting that they should take as much as they can as they'll need it once Winter arrives.

Chapter 15 - Abandoned Village[]

Eric, Hailey, Zoey go to Woodlawn to see if they can turn it into an outpost for Asyl. Eva joins the group saying she has some personal business to take care of. When the group arrives at the location, Eva separates herself from the group and says that she needs to do her business alone. Although the three of them are suspicious of her activities, they pay not attention to it. When they leave, the group reunites and Eva states that she needed to come back as she had heard that her former group members had been killed and turned. Zoey doesn't believe her however as the blood is too fresh to have been from a walker. Eric says that they shouldn't probe into her business; however, that Zoey should keep an eye out on her in case of anything.

Survival Records - The Man In The Forest[]

Eric, Zoey, and Hailey go into the nearby forest to recruit Guide so that he can join Asyl.

Survival Records - Deportation[]

As Gideon and Rania are escaping the The Prison, the encounter Eric, Chloe, and Zoey who were trying to get into the prison. The Asyl group tells them about a group of prisoners who had escaped, and that their leader had said that there were people still alive at The Prison who should be brought into the community. Gideon and Rania agree to join the community and leave The Prison.

Chapter 16 - Empty Road[]

The Dispatch Manager talks to Eric, Guide, and Hailey about how someone from Virginia came up to Asyl and asked them to join their community network,

Eric, Hailey, Zoey, Kate, and Guide depart to Virginia afterwards to see if they can be a part of the community network that Paul talked about.

Chapter 17 - Highway[]

The group continue traveling down the road towards Virginia. They all talk about how joining the network could help Asyl strive.

Chapter 18 - Dead Land[]

The group reaches a farm where the scavenge for supplies. Guide comments how he wishes he could turn some of the rye from the field into a beer, something that Eric and Zoey agree with.

Chapter 19 - Ownerless Farm[]

The group continue scavenging the farm for supplies. Everyone starts to discuss what they miss most about life before the apocalypse.

Chapter 20 - Mountainous Area[]

The group reaches the Eden Mountains. Guide tells the group that they need to cross the mountain before winter hits, something that'll prove difficult since it is coming earlier than usual. The group notices a crashed plane in the distance and head for it.

Chapter 21 - Crash Site[]

The group reaches the crash site and Hailey begins to wonder if this was the plane her parents were going to take to get back home right before the apocalypse. The group scavenges for supplies at the crash site. Eric eventually finds the passenger list and much to Hailey's relief sees that her parents were not on board thus giving her hope that she can still reunite with them.

Chapter 22 - Winter[]

The group reaches the mountain top just as it begins to heavily snow. The group decides to head back to Asyl given that the mission has become too dangerous to move forward with.

Fanya's Story - Past Identity[]

Chloe, Sarah, Lake, and Crane drink some liquor that they found while speculating about Fanya's past and all talk about what they know about her; she was found by Eric with a kid named Luca and was with him because his parents had died, she's spoken German with Gunther, she's spoken French with The Captain, she knows how to fight, she knows how to shoot, she known how to make herself a small target in battle, she knows how to crack a safe, and she is knowledgeable about high society. After this, they all speculate that she could have been a hitwoman or a secret agent, but Crane states that they're all drunk and talking nonsense, something the rest of the group agrees with. Crane states that at the end, it doesn't matter what they anybody did before the apocalypse before finishing the last of the liquor. Unbeknownst to the group, Fanya had been listening to their conversation and amusingly chuckles.

Asyl Murder Case Event[]

Jacob is found dead during a town celebration, having been stabbed multiple times. Eric takes it upon himself to investigate what happened and questions Jacob's friend Roger, ex-girlfriend Jane, and disgruntled neighbor Max if they saw anything, with each of them giving him conflicting stories.

After thorough investigation, Eric concluded that Roger is the killer. Max was soon able to prove his innocence as several members of the community testified for how intoxicated he was the night before, and that there is no way he was capable of killing anyone in such a condition. It was Roger’s accusation on Jane that made Eric suspicious of Roger. Based on the wound left on Jacob’s upper neck that suggested the killer stabbed Jacob downward, Eric concluded that the killer is as tall as or taller than Jacob. This ruled out Jane, which sparked Eric’s suspicion toward Roger. However, most importantly, Eric remembered it was cloudy on the night of the murder, and it would’ve been impossible for Roger to identify anything on the street from his house without any moonlight, suggesting that Roger is lying about what he saw. When Eric went to Roger with the details in his hand and accused Roger for killing Jacob, Roger did not make excuses and admitted he killed Jacob. When Eric asked Roger why he killed Jacob, Roger explained that Jacob abandoned his wife during the journey, invertedly causing her death, before the pair arrived at Asyl. Even though Roger knew Jacob had no intention of doing harm, Roger simply couldn’t get over his wife’s death and had to find someone to blame it on.

Chapter 32 - Unfamiliar Territory[]

The Asyl Scouting Group decide to meet with the Niagara Falls Community to see if they can join the Western New York Alliance. Everyone is weary however after what they heard happened with the Grand Island Community. Despite this, they all want to believe that things will go smoothly from there on out. They eventually cross the North Grand Island Bridge into Niagara Falls to meet with their contact.

Chapter 33 - The Road to Cooperation[]

The Asyl Scouting Group, after crossing the bridge, come across a derelict neighborhood and start to discuss what they should do when they meet their contact from the new community. Kate eventually spots some people, and despite Eric saying they're meeting with three people, Kate spots five people. Eventually they reach the small group and find out that the Community had been overtaken by The Raiders and start making plans to take it back.

Dispatch - Rescue Plan 3[]

Eric wonders if they should negotiate with The Raiders for the hostages before attacking, knowing that it can quickly go south.

Chapter 34- Lost Camp[]

The Asyl Scouting Group and the remaining community members battle against The Raiders to reclaim the community. Eventually the call for back-up so that they can help rebuild the community after its destruction. Eric has the idea to discuss a truce between Asyl and The Raiders, much to Hailey and Zoey's concern. Regardless, Eric moves forward with this endeavor.

Chapter 37 - The Terminal[]

Gideon's Scouting Group eventually meets up with Eric's Scouting group. Everyone discusses the upcoming plan of attack.

Chapter 38 - Runway[]

Gideon discusses how they should attack the Airport, yet the Construction Site Leader states that'll only do more harm than good and that he should be the one taking care of any guards, 'lest they start a war with The Raiders. After some time, they notice how many of the Raiders are just unconscious, something that Belle and Zoey wonder if it's something that should be done if they die. Eventually the group reaches the end of the terminal and go in the confront The Raiders.

Chapter 39 - Bad Jokes[]

On the cusp of meeting the Airport's leader, the group debates over who should speak to him, with the Construction Site Leader taking the charge at the end given that he knows the man. Despite this, they are turned away by a guard. The group decides to enter the building though another entrance that's less guarded. Eventually they get inside. The group beings to wonder what'll happen if they Raiders refuse to comply, thus reinforcing the fact that they should be prepared for whatever happens next.

Chapter 40 - Talks[]

The Asyl Scouting Groups make it inside the airport and notice that several areas have been blocked off by luggage, thus sensing that they may be attacked soon. Their fears are justified when Curt and his group comes out and asks them what they are doing inside the airport. Eric tells him that they are looking to resolve the issue at hand in a peaceful way so that no one dies; however, Curt refuses to believe him and orders his Raiders to kill all the intruders. Despite this, the intruders are able to hold their ground. Eventually Curt calls off the attack and decides to start an uneasy alliance with his former enemies, much to his chagrin.

Dispatch - Sharing[]

Eric tells the Dispatch Manager that one of the nearby camps needs some food supplies but not to tell Hailey so that she doesn't get upset.

Kingston's Story - Leader's Burden[]

Kingston goes to visit Eric, who is currently recovering from an injury he sustained while scouting for supplies. The two of the talk about how Eric how he got injured when the roof of a building collapsed on him. The two then discuss how Gunther had come in earlier to drop off Kingston's new flashlight shield. Eric asks why he wanted Gunther to make him that kind of shield. Kingston explains that one time, while eliminating some Raiders, that they used floodlights to momentarily distract that and that although Kingston's group won at the end, he still lost three friends due to the tactic. Eric then states that he's proud of Kingston for leading his team while he recovers. The two discuss how it's going to be difficult now that he is a leader and how he has to be prepared to lose people, something that Kingston is still grappling with. At the end, both Eric and Kingston come to an understanding and wish each other luck.

Chapter 59 - Towards A New World[]

The dispatch manager is talking to Eric, Kingston, Hailey, Zoey, Kate, David, and Eva about the upcoming plans to reclaim the city and how there's gonna be several teams transporting supply boxes to several building across the city and how those buildings will be used to connect Asyl to the airport. He also expresses to watch out for the remaining hostile Raiders.

With that, Eric talks to R, David, and Blaine about lighting up a the main road they'll use for transporting the supplies from Asyl to the various buildings in question. Both David and Blaine warn him about Raiders possibly observing them.

Rick Grimes & Glenn & Eric's Story - Working It Out[]

The trio of Rick, Glenn, and Eric are fixing a bench press and reminiscing about the old world until Eric finds a sticker book and started thinking of his kids. He said his daughter loved sticker books. Rick noticed that Eric was talking as if his family was already gone. Rick & Glenn motivated Eric to go out and find his family by telling him the story of how Rick found his.

Trailblazer Eric - What We Missed[]

Eric and Zoey visit Eric's old house. Zoey, amazed by how pristine everything is asks Eric if he's been here again after he joined Asyl, which Eric denies. The duo discuss how Eric's family could still be out there and how he shouldn't lose hope on that. Zoey also asks him if Shannon left him a note, which Eric says she didn't. Eric eventually gets to the master bedroom and finds what he's looking for, a go back prepared by both him and Shannon. Eric states that she took the gun but left everything else, possibly so that Eric can take it when he returned home. As he picks up the bag, a piece of paper flies out from underneath it. Zoey hesitates for a moment before asking if she can go through some of their old remaining clothes to take back to Asyl, which Eric allows her too. As he leaves the room, Zoey picks up the note. Zoey becomes very emotional as she reads the note, knowing that Eric can never know its contents.

Chapter 61 - Signal[]

Alexis and Han travel through the zoo during the early hours of dawn. Alexis wonders if any of the zoo animals are still alive and roaming the area, which Han thinks it's dumb as they'd surly been killed by now. When asked on how he know what kind of damage an animal can take, Han reveals that he used to by a hunter back in Vietnam and used to hunt down Indochinese tigers; however after being further pressed about it, Han comes clean and said he was only joking. Soon afterwards, they are stopped by Zoey, Eric, and Kate. Although they try to pass it off as just people travelling through, the duo sees through the Raiders' pretext. Eric demands that they meet with Gina. Alexis, confused by this, states that it'll never happen, especially with what had happened during the winter. Despite this, Alexis and Han agree to relay the message but also warn them not to get their hopes up.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims Eric has killed:



  • Eric is the only character in the game to be heard speaking, which happened during The Walking Dead: All-Stars - Intro short film.
  • Although unconfirmed, it's been hinted that Eric is an early founder of Asyl.
  • Eric is one of eight characters, and the fourth original All-Stars character, to have two characters based on them, in this case being Eric and Trailblazer Eric.
  • Eric is one of five characters to be part of multiple alignments, in his case the Overseer Alignment and the Ally Alignment.
  • Eric is first of two characters to be part of both the Mythical and Unique Character roster.
    • The other character with this distinction is Crane.