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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki
This article is about the Comic Series character. You may be looking for his Road to Survival or TV Series counterpart. For other pages with the same name, see: Ethan

Said it wasn't enough, said we weren't meeting... our end of the bargain... they still have Crystal. Said they'd keep her alive, return her to us if I delivered a message to you...
―Ethan explaining the situation to Gregory.[src]

Ethan is an antagonist and a survivor of the outbreak in Image Comics' The Walking Dead. He is a resident of the Hilltop Colony. He served as the primary antagonist of Volume 16: A Larger World.


Ethan is a well-intentioned man who is willing to do whatever it takes to protect those he cares about. However, this causes him to make rash decisions. After being sent with a group on a mission to see the Saviors and Negan, Ethan's entire group is killed and Crystal is captured, leaving him as the only one to make it out. He is promised that if he kills Gregory, Crystal will be set free, which he follows through with. Although Ethan's actions were to save Crystal, it ultimately is what leads to his demise.


Location Unknown[]

Nothing is known about Ethan's life prior to or as the outbreak began.


Hilltop Colony[]

Nothing is known about Ethan's life at the Hilltop.

A Larger World[]

Ethan was sent on a mission to see the Saviors and Negan, along with Crystal, Andy, and David. Ethan arrived back at the Hilltop alone, revealing that everyone except he, and possibly Crystal, were killed. He relayed a "message" to Gregory, and then stabbed him. Ethan tells if someone tries to stop him, Crystal will die. He is tackled by Rick Grimes and, during the struggle, was killed by his throat being cut by Rick. Everyone in the Hilltop Colony watched the murder in horror.


Killed By

After returning from a Saviors delivery run where everyone was killed and Crystal was captured by Negan, Ethan tries to kill Gregory by stabbing him in the stomach on Negan's demands, in a desperate order to keep Crystal alive.

Rick tackles Ethan and then slit his throat with a knife, killing him in self defense.

Later, his corpse is burned by Jesus.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims Ethan has killed.

  • Possibly numerous counts of zombies





Comic Series[]

Volume 16: A Larger World[]


  • Ethan is the first seen member of the Hilltop Colony to die.
  • Ethan is the last person to die in the second compendium.