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Eva is a survivor of the outbreak who appears in The Walking Dead: All-Stars.


Location Unknown[]

Nothing is known about Eva's life prior to or as the outbreak began.


Eva's Story - The Wrong Choice[]

After having been attacked by a group of Raiders, Eva notices that her boyfriend Sawyer had been mortally wounded after taking a bullet for her and begins to cry. One of her friends, Lorena, offers to stab Sawyer so that she doesn't have to do it herself, but Eva says that it's okay and asks to be left alone. As soon as the rest of her group leaves them alone, Eva quickly switches her tune and brags about how easy it is to use men for her own needs and how disposable they are to her. After thanking him for his sacrifice, she stabs him in the head.

At some point after the events at the gas station she ends up leaving her group and joining Asyl.

Chapter 15 - Abandoned Village[]

Eric, Hailey, Zoey go to Woodlawn to see if they can turn it into an outpost for Asyl. Eva joins the group saying she has some personal business to take care of. When the group arrives at the location, Eva separates herself from the group and says that she needs to do her business alone. Although the three of them are suspicious of her activities, they pay not attention to it. When they leave, the group reunites and Eva states that she needed to come back as she had heard that her former group members had been killed and turned. Zoey doesn't believe her however as the blood is too fresh to have been from a walker. Eric says that they shouldn't probe into her business; however, that Zoey should keep an eye out on her in case of anything.

Survival Records - Heaven & Hell[]

Scott and Eva are in the forest and are tasked with bringing Pierce into Asyl; however, Eva has some trepidations regarding his acceptance into the community given that it's known that he is a cannibal. She admits that she's done stuff to survive, but never gone so far as to kill and eat someone. Scott states that it's not his place to judge what other peoples actions are, especially given his past. When question how he can accept a cannibal into the community, Scott comments that a supply runner was saved by Pierce and that the community needs good fighters, especially with the constant presence of The Raiders. Scott states that he's willing to accept Pierce if he repents for his sins. Eva asks Scott if he still is religious, to which he says that he doesn't know anymore. The pair eventually find Pierce and ask him if he wants to join Asyl. Although Pierce accepts the invitation, Eva begins to throw accusations of Pierce's cannibalistic tendencies, to which Pierce pretends to not know what she's talking about. Eva keeps inquiring about Pierce's past as a cannibal to which Pierce repeatedly responds with that everyone has done something they're not proud of. When Scott is asked for his opinion on the situation, he states that the past is the past and he just want's to move on, and although he's not comfortable with it, he'll be okay as long as Pierce doesn't continue to do it. Pierce hypothetically asks Scott what his chances are of getting into heaven if he was a cannibal and renounced his ways to which Scott replies that he will never get into heaven even if he were to repent for his actions.

Susan's Story - Older & Wiser[]

Susan and Eva were on guard duty at a nearby outpost. Eva tried to keep up her "good girl" persona around Susan while also thinking of the numerous ways she could kill her. Suddenly a horde of walkers comes from the distance. Knowing that Susan, in her wheel chair, would be a liability if they stayed at the outpost, Eva grabbed Susan's wheelchair and pushed her towards Asyl. Suddenly, Susan falls out of her chair and onto the floor. Getting worried about the incoming horde, Eva considers killing Susan and leaving her for the dead and making up a fake story of how she died when she returned to Asyl. Susan, seeing right through Eva, tells her that she wont be left behind because if she is then she will use one of her homemade grenades to kill them both. Susan tells Eva that she has seen many people like her in her lifetime and to never underestimate her again. The two start to kill the horde before the rest of Asyl's reinforcements come.

Survival Records - Unplanned Camping Trip[]

A group consisting of Chemist, Sarah, R, Eva, and Gunther regroup in the forest after having been ambushed by The Raiders. They lament Gabe's death before coming up with a plan of what they should do next. The group decides to camp out in the forest for the night. R and Eva split off from the rest of the group to look for mushrooms so that R can make mushroom soup for them. Eva comments how she's still not used to seeing people die around her, something that R can relate too. After finding enough mushrooms, the pair heads back to the camp so that the soup can be made. Sarah notices that R refuses to eat the mushroom soup, to which R responds with saying how he learned to make the soup from a Cook who was in his former group, but he can't eat it anymore since it reminds him of the man who had died shortly after teaching him how to make the soup. R then states that he'll keep watch for the night while the rest of the group rests up.

Chapter 23 - Coastline[]

The Dispatch manager sends a group consisting of Lake, Eva, Crane, Jeff, David, and Andrew to a nearby rendezvous point so that they can trade supplies with a nearby community located on Grand Island. Due to not being able to use a vehicle and needing to carry all the supplies, the group starts to get tired and irritated. Eva reminds them that they're almost at the location and to stop whining.

Chapter 24 - Detour[]

The trading group arrives at the rendezvous point, but find no one there. Becoming suspicious of the situation, everyone begins to investigate the area to see if they can find any clues to what happened to the people they were supposed to meet up with. After finding the corpses of the two scouts they were supposed to be meeting with, the group decides to venture into Grand Island to see if there's any way they can help.

Chapter 25 - Something Unexpected[]

The trading group arrives at the South Grand Island Bridge, where they find it to be barricaded. Furthermore, the impending snow storm is making it harder to travel in. As they try to clear out the bridge, they notice that there was a battle between the Grand Island Scouts and The Raiders, which motivates them all to get to the island more quickly. However, due to how strong the storm is, they all decide to find a safe place for the time being before advancing towards the island.

Chapter 26 - Frozen River[]

The trading group cross over the frozen Niagara River to get to Grand Island. Jeff takes the lead while crossing the frozen river, warning everyone to move slowly and carefully. The group eventually crosses the river and rests up before moving forward.

Chapter 27 - Ominous Feeling[]

The trading group arrives at Grandyle Village and notices that the roads have been cleared of snow, however that there definitely had to be an attack due to the lack of maintenance anywhere else, something they presume that is due to the snow. The take notice of the tracks that were left behind by The Raiders' trucks and surmise that they must have military grade vehicles and weapons. Eventually the group reaches downtown Grandyle Village and find something red beneath all the snow.

Chapter 28 - Execution Grounds[]

the trading group arrives at a mass execution site where several people have been killed. They notice that many of the people, the former residents of Grandyle Village, have been tied up and either shot or stabbed in the head. They also notice that there are several children amongst the dead. They further investigate the execution site and notice that any corpse that wasn't tied up is that of the Raiders. They also notice how the blood is still fresh, meaning that the Raiders who did this could be nearby. Eventually, the reach the Grand Island Community and agree that if the fight against the Raiders becomes harder than expected, that they'll all retreat back to Asyl.

Chapter 29 - Annihilation[]

The trading group arrives at the community and sees several raiders still raiding the community. They comment how they expected there to be more of them, but all agree to kill them all. They notice that some of the dead have been treated more fairly than others, namely how some of the corpses have fresh flowers on them. Some of the group members mock the idea of trying to honor the dead after they were killed at The Raiders' hands. Andrew finds a book next to one of the Raiders' corpse and begins to read it. He then explains to the group the The Raiders' raided a nearby military outpost and that, alongside with the fact that they surprised attack the community, is how they were able to win.

Chapter 30 - No Way Out[]

The group debates on what to do next, knowing that The Raiders have stationed themselves on Navy Island. The group decides to go, and on the way they notice and scavenge some of The Raider's abandoned trucks. They notice how the trucks had been shot up and destroyed, and assume that it was from a battle between The Raiders and any survivors from the Grand Island Community. At the end, the group decides to move towards Navy Island and attack them.

Chapter 31 - A Bad End[]

The group reaches Navy island and observes how the remaining Raiders are either injured or too tired to properly fight back. Despite some initial debate on what they should do, they all agree to eliminate the remaining group members once and for all. After the attack, the group decides to scavenge what they can from here to bring back to Asyl, but agree to come back later to gather any supplies they left behind.

Chapter 59 - Towards A New World[]

The dispatch manager is talking to Eric, Kingston, Hailey, Zoey, Kate, David, and Eva about the upcoming plans to reclaim the city and how there's gonna be several teams transporting supply boxes to several building across the city and how those buildings will be used to connect Asyl to the airport. He also expresses to watch out for the remaining hostile Raiders.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims Eva has killed:


  • Eva seems to have conflicting feelings on death as she is ready to kill anyone who opposes her, including people from her own group; however, when talking with R she states that she never got used to seeing people die around her.
    • It's possible that she was either lying about this when talking to R so that he can further trust her or that her thoughts on death had changed over time after joining Asyl.
      • A nod toward her change in beliefs in death could be her reaction to Gabe's death as she seems to genuinely mourn him; however this could also be a lie to keep suspicion of herself.
    • It's possible that she views death different based on if she's killing a person or not.
      • It has been shown that every time she personally kills a person, she gets immense joy from it; however, when she sees that someone has been killed by anything else, she is shown to be saddened, sometimes even angered, by the loss of life.
    • Despite her confusion and apparent change once becoming a part of Asyl, there are still instances where she either has killed or has had the intention of killing people from her group.
      • She went back to Woodlawn to kill her former group mates. She claims that she heard that they had turned; however, it's implied that they were all actually alive.
      • She was about to kill Susan when and leave her for to be eaten by the undead before Susan threatened to kill her first.
      • She said has stated that she wouldn't mind leaving behind Jeff or Andrew if it meant she gets to survive.