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Walking Dead Wiki
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Walking Dead Wiki

Ezekiel's Sword is a sword that acted as Ezekiel Sutton's primary weapon.


Comic Series[]


TV Series[]

The sword acts as Ezekiel's primary weapon against the undead, taking on the form of a cane when it's sheathed.

While repelling the Saviors and the Scavengers from Alexandria, Ezekiel uses his sword to kill a Scavenger that gets too close to him and Carol.

During the Tainted Weapons Massacre, Ezekiel uses his sword to help dispatch the Militia members who have fallen victim to the Saviors' tainted weapons.

Ezekiel continues to carry his sword for the next several years. However, it's taken from him when the Commonwealth Army captures Eugene's Group.

The Ones Who Live[]

Ezekiel's sword briefly appears in one of Rick's flashbacks.

Killed Victims[]

The following is a list of victims killed with the sword:

