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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki
This article is about the FN FAL. You may be looking for other similarly named FN firearms.

The Fusil Automatique Léger ("Light Automatic Rifle") or FAL is a self-loading, selective fire battle rifle produced by the Belgian armaments manufacturer Fabrique Nationale de Herstal (FN). During the Cold War it was adopted by many North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) countries, with the notable exception of the United States. It is one of the most widely used rifles in history, having been used by over 90 countries.

The FAL was predominantly chambered for the 7.62×51mm NATO round, and because of its prevalence and widespread use among the armed forces of many NATO countries during the Cold War it was nicknamed "The right arm of the Free World". A British Commonwealth derivative of the FN FAL has been produced under license as the L1A1 Self-Loading Rifle.


TV Series[]

Season 3[]

800px-TWDS3E10 18 "Home" Martinez with a FN FAL fitted with an Elcan scope as he aims at the Prison and Rick's group.
TWD S3E16 25 "Welcome to the Tombs" A Woodbury Soldier on the left with a FN FAL while exiting into the Prison.

Season 4[]

DW Pete and Gov "Dead Weight" Pete Dolgen with a FN FAL while on a supply run.
TWDS04E08FAL "Too Far Gone" One of The Governor's soldiers firing a FN FAL at the prison survivors.

