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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki
This article is about the FN SLP. You may be looking for other similarly named FN firearms.

The FN SLP (Self-Loading Police) shotgun is a semi-automatic 12-gauge shotgun designed and manufactured by FN Herstal in Belgium. The SLP shotgun is gas-operated, and FN currently produces it in four different models: SLP Standard, SLP Mark I, SLP Tactical, and SLP Mark I Tactical. The SLP series was introduced in 2008, and was named "2009 Shotgun of the Year" by American Rifleman magazine.


The Telltale Series[]

Season One[]

Episode 1 Cap 1 "A New Day" A FN SLP in the Police Officer's car, as Lee Everett is being taken to The Prison.
Unnamed Police Officer death VG "A New Day" Lee Everett, after shooting the police officer with a FN SLP.
Lee and cop 2 "A New Day" Lee Everett, after shooting a police officer with a FN SLP that lies on the ground.
Bandit VG 2 "Starved For Help" Jake, with an FN SLP.
LRA Bandit Kick "Starved For Help" Jake, with an FN SLP.
Ban3 "Starved For Help" Jake, with an FN SLP, from a larger view.
400D Angry Guard "Vince's Story" Bennett, holding his FN SLP after killing Marcus Crabtree.
400DaysShotgun2 "Vince's Story" Bennett, aiming his FN SLP.
400DaysShotgun3 "Vince's Story" Vince, aiming Bennett's FN SLP.
Vince FN SLP "Vince's Story" Vince, pointing Bennett's FN SLP at Danny.

Season Two[]

AmTR Shotgun "Amid The Ruins" Vitali threatening the group with an FN SLP.
NGB Buricko's Last Stand "No Going Back" Buricko firing his FN SLP.
NGB Buricko Shotgun "No Going Back" Buricko aiming his FN SLP at Luke .

